/** * BWS tooltip function */ (function($) { "use strict"; $( document ).ready( function() { jQuery.bwsTooltip = function( pointer_options ) { var pointer_buttons = pointer_options['buttons']; /* extend pointer options - add close button */ pointer_options = $.extend( pointer_options, { buttons: function(event, t) { var button = ''; /* check and add dismiss-type buttons */ for ( var but in pointer_buttons ) { if ( typeof pointer_buttons[ but ]['type'] != 'undefined' && pointer_buttons[ but ]['type'] == 'dismiss' && typeof pointer_buttons[ but ]['text'] != 'undefined' && pointer_buttons[ but ]['text'] != '' ) { button += '' + pointer_buttons[ but ]['text'] + ''; } } button = jQuery( button ); button.on( 'click.pointer', function () { t.element.pointer( 'close' ); } ); return button; }, /* add ajax dismiss functionality */ close : $.proxy( function () { if ( pointer_options['actions']['onload'] == true ) { $.post( ajaxurl, this ); } }, { pointer: pointer_options['tooltip_id'], action: 'dismiss-wp-pointer' } ) } ); /* function to display pointer */ function displayPointer( cssSelector ) { cssSelector.pointer( pointer_options ).pointer( { pointerClass: 'wp-pointer ' + pointer_options["tooltip_id"], content: pointer_options['content'], position: { edge: pointer_options['position']['edge'], align: pointer_options['position']['align'], }, } ).pointer( 'open' ); /* display buttons that are not type of dismiss */ for ( var but in pointer_buttons ) { if ( typeof pointer_buttons[ but ]['type'] != 'undefined' && pointer_buttons[ but ]['type'] != 'dismiss' && typeof pointer_buttons[ but ]['text'] != 'undefined' && pointer_buttons[ but ]['text'] != '' ) { $( '.' + pointer_options['tooltip_id'] + ' .button-secondary' ).first().before( '' + pointer_buttons[ but ]['text'] + '' ); }; } /* adjust position of pointer */ var topPos, leftPos, pointerZindex; topPos = parseInt( $( "." + pointer_options["tooltip_id"] ).css( "top" ) ) + parseInt( pointer_options['position']['pos-top'] ); leftPos = parseInt( $( "." + pointer_options["tooltip_id"] ).css( "left" ) ) + parseInt( pointer_options['position']['pos-left'] ); if ( pointer_options['position']['align'] == 'left' ) { leftPos += cssSelector.outerWidth() / 2; }; $( "." + pointer_options["tooltip_id"] ).css( { "top": topPos + "px", "left": leftPos + "px" } ); /* adjust z-index if need */ pointerZindex = parseInt( $( "." + pointer_options["tooltip_id"] ).css( "z-index" ) ); if ( pointerZindex != pointer_options['position']['zindex'] ) { $( "." + pointer_options["tooltip_id"] ).css( { "z-index": pointer_options['position']['zindex'] } ); } } /* display pointer for the first time */ if ( pointer_options['actions']['onload'] ) { if ( pointer_options['set_timeout'] > 0 ) { var settime = parseInt( pointer_options['set_timeout'] ); setTimeout( function() { displayPointer( $( pointer_options['css_selector'] ) ); }, settime ); } else { displayPointer( $( pointer_options['css_selector'] ) ); } } /* display pointer when clicked on selector */ if ( pointer_options['actions']['click'] ) { $( pointer_options['css_selector'] ).click( function () { displayPointer( $( this ) ); } ); } }; } ) })( jQuery );
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/*! * - v1.5.0 * Homepage: http://bqworks.com/slider-pro/ * Author: bqworks * Author URL: http://bqworks.com/ */ ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; // Static methods for Slider Pro $.SliderPro = { // List of added modules modules: [], // Add a module by extending the core prototype addModule: function( name, module ) { this.modules.push( name ); $.extend( SliderPro.prototype, module ); } }; // namespace var NS = $.SliderPro.namespace = 'SliderPro'; var SliderPro = function( instance, options ) { // Reference to the slider instance this.instance = instance; // Reference to the slider jQuery element this.$slider = $( this.instance ); // Reference to the slides (sp-slides) jQuery element this.$slides = null; // Reference to the mask (sp-mask) jQuery element this.$slidesMask = null; // Reference to the slides (sp-slides-container) jQuery element this.$slidesContainer = null; // Array of SliderProSlide objects, ordered by their DOM index this.slides = []; // Array of SliderProSlide objects, ordered by their left/top position in the slider. // This will be updated continuously if the slider is loopable. this.slidesOrder = []; // Holds the options passed to the slider when it was instantiated this.options = options; // Holds the final settings of the slider after merging the specified // ones with the default ones. this.settings = {}; // Another reference to the settings which will not be altered by breakpoints or by other means this.originalSettings = {}; // Reference to the original 'gotoSlide' method this.originalGotoSlide = null; // The index of the currently selected slide (starts with 0) this.selectedSlideIndex = 0; // The index of the previously selected slide this.previousSlideIndex = 0; // Indicates the position of the slide considered to be in the middle. // If there are 5 slides (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) the middle position will be 2. // If there are 6 slides (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) the middle position will be approximated to 2. this.middleSlidePosition = 0; // Indicates the type of supported transition (CSS3 2D, CSS3 3D or JavaScript) this.supportedAnimation = null; // Indicates the required vendor prefix for CSS (i.e., -webkit, -moz, etc.) this.vendorPrefix = null; // Indicates the name of the CSS transition's complete event (i.e., transitionend, webkitTransitionEnd, etc.) this.transitionEvent = null; // Indicates the 'left' or 'top' position, depending on the orientation of the slides this.positionProperty = null; // Indicates the 'width' or 'height', depending on the orientation of the slides this.sizeProperty = null; // Indicates if the current browser is IE this.isIE = null; // The position of the slides container this.slidesPosition = 0; // The total width/height of the slides this.slidesSize = 0; // The average width/height of a slide this.averageSlideSize = 0; // The width of the individual slide this.slideWidth = 0; // The height of the individual slide this.slideHeight = 0; // Reference to the old slide width, used to check if the width has changed this.previousSlideWidth = 0; // Reference to the old slide height, used to check if the height has changed this.previousSlideHeight = 0; // Reference to the old window width, used to check if the window width has changed this.previousWindowWidth = 0; // Reference to the old window height, used to check if the window height has changed this.previousWindowHeight = 0; // Property used for deferring the resizing of the slider this.allowResize = true; // Unique ID to be used for event listening this.uniqueId = new Date().valueOf(); // Stores size breakpoints this.breakpoints = []; // Indicates the current size breakpoint this.currentBreakpoint = -1; // An array of shuffled indexes, based on which the slides will be shuffled this.shuffledIndexes = []; // Initialize the slider this._init(); }; SliderPro.prototype = { // The starting place for the slider _init: function() { var that = this; this.supportedAnimation = SliderProUtils.getSupportedAnimation(); this.vendorPrefix = SliderProUtils.getVendorPrefix(); this.transitionEvent = SliderProUtils.getTransitionEvent(); this.isIE = SliderProUtils.checkIE(); // Remove the 'sp-no-js' when the slider's JavaScript code starts running this.$slider.removeClass( 'sp-no-js' ); // Add the 'ios' class if it's an iOS device if ( window.navigator.userAgent.match( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g ) ) { this.$slider.addClass( 'ios' ); } // Check if IE (older than 11) is used and add the version number as a class to the slider since // older IE versions might need CSS tweaks. var rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/, ieVersion = rmsie.exec( window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() ); if ( this.isIE ) { this.$slider.addClass( 'ie' ); } if ( ieVersion !== null ) { this.$slider.addClass( 'ie' + parseInt( ieVersion[2], 10 ) ); } // Set up the slides containers // slider-pro > sp-slides-container > sp-mask > sp-slides > sp-slide this.$slidesContainer = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$slider ); this.$slidesMask = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$slidesContainer ); this.$slides = this.$slider.find( '.sp-slides' ).appendTo( this.$slidesMask ); this.$slider.find( '.sp-slide' ).appendTo( this.$slides ); var modules = $.SliderPro.modules; // Merge the modules' default settings with the core's default settings if ( typeof modules !== 'undefined' ) { for ( var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) { var defaults = modules[ i ].substring( 0, 1 ).toLowerCase() + modules[ i ].substring( 1 ) + 'Defaults'; if ( typeof this[ defaults ] !== 'undefined' ) { $.extend( this.defaults, this[ defaults ] ); } } } // Merge the specified setting with the default ones this.settings = $.extend( {}, this.defaults, this.options ); // Initialize the modules if ( typeof modules !== 'undefined' ) { for ( var j = 0; j < modules.length; j++ ) { if ( typeof this[ 'init' + modules[ j ] ] !== 'undefined' ) { this[ 'init' + modules[ j ] ](); } } } // Keep a reference of the original settings and use it // to restore the settings when the breakpoints are used. this.originalSettings = $.extend( {}, this.settings ); // Get the reference to the 'gotoSlide' method this.originalGotoSlide = this.gotoSlide; // Parse the breakpoints object and store the values into an array, // sorting them in ascending order based on the specified size. if ( this.settings.breakpoints !== null ) { for ( var sizes in this.settings.breakpoints ) { this.breakpoints.push({ size: parseInt( sizes, 10 ), properties:this.settings.breakpoints[ sizes ] }); } this.breakpoints = this.breakpoints.sort(function( a, b ) { return a.size >= b.size ? 1: -1; }); } // Set which slide should be selected initially this.selectedSlideIndex = this.settings.startSlide; // Shuffle/randomize the slides if ( this.settings.shuffle === true ) { var slides = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ), shuffledSlides = []; // Populate the 'shuffledIndexes' with index numbers slides.each(function( index ) { that.shuffledIndexes.push( index ); }); for ( var k = this.shuffledIndexes.length - 1; k > 0; k-- ) { var l = Math.floor( Math.random() * ( k + 1 ) ), temp = this.shuffledIndexes[ k ]; this.shuffledIndexes[ k ] = this.shuffledIndexes[ l ]; this.shuffledIndexes[ l ] = temp; } // Reposition the slides based on the order of the indexes in the // 'shuffledIndexes' array $.each( this.shuffledIndexes, function( index, element ) { shuffledSlides.push( slides[ element ] ); }); // Append the sorted slides to the slider this.$slides.empty().append( shuffledSlides ) ; } // Resize the slider when the browser window resizes. // Also, deffer the resizing in order to not allow multiple // resizes in a 200 milliseconds interval. $( window ).on( 'resize.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS, function() { // Get the current width and height of the window var newWindowWidth = $( window ).width(), newWindowHeight = $( window ).height(); // If the resize is not allowed yet or if the window size hasn't changed (this needs to be verified // because in IE8 and lower the resize event is triggered whenever an element from the page changes // its size) return early. if ( that.allowResize === false || ( that.previousWindowWidth === newWindowWidth && that.previousWindowHeight === newWindowHeight ) ) { return; } // Assign the new values for the window width and height that.previousWindowWidth = newWindowWidth; that.previousWindowHeight = newWindowHeight; that.allowResize = false; setTimeout(function() { that.resize(); that.allowResize = true; }, 200 ); }); // Resize the slider when the 'update' method is called. this.on( 'update.' + NS, function() { // Reset the previous slide width that.previousSlideWidth = 0; // Some updates might require a resize that.resize(); }); this.update(); // add the 'sp-selected' class to the initially selected slide this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).addClass( 'sp-selected' ); // Fire the 'init' event this.trigger({ type: 'init' }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.init ) ) { this.settings.init.call( this, { type: 'init' }); } }, // Update the slider by checking for setting changes and for slides // that weren't initialized yet. update: function() { var that = this; // Check the current slider orientation and reset CSS that might have been // added for a different orientation, since the orientation can be changed // at runtime. if ( this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) { this.$slider.removeClass( 'sp-vertical' ).addClass( 'sp-horizontal' ); this.$slider.css({ 'height': '', 'max-height': '' }); this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).css( 'top', '' ); } else if ( this.settings.orientation === 'vertical' ) { this.$slider.removeClass( 'sp-horizontal' ).addClass( 'sp-vertical' ); this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).css( 'left', '' ); } if ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true ) { this.$slider.addClass( 'sp-rtl' ); } else { this.$slider.removeClass( 'sp-rtl' ); } this.positionProperty = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'left' : 'top'; this.sizeProperty = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 'width' : 'height'; // Reset the 'gotoSlide' method this.gotoSlide = this.originalGotoSlide; // Loop through the array of SliderProSlide objects and if a stored slide is found // which is not in the DOM anymore, destroy that slide. for ( var i = this.slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-slide[data-index="' + i + '"]' ).length === 0 ) { var slide = this.slides[ i ]; slide.off( 'imagesLoaded.' + NS ); slide.destroy(); this.slides.splice( i, 1 ); } } this.slidesOrder.length = 0; // Loop through the list of slides and initialize newly added slides if any, // and reset the index of each slide. this.$slider.find( '.sp-slide' ).each(function( index ) { var $slide = $( this ); if ( typeof $slide.attr( 'data-init' ) === 'undefined' ) { that._createSlide( index, $slide ); } else { that.slides[ index ].setIndex( index ); } that.slidesOrder.push( index ); }); // Calculate the position/index of the middle slide this.middleSlidePosition = parseInt( ( that.slidesOrder.length - 1 ) / 2, 10 ); // Arrange the slides in a loop if ( this.settings.loop === true ) { this._updateSlidesOrder(); } // Fire the 'update' event this.trigger({ type: 'update' }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.update ) ) { this.settings.update.call( this, { type: 'update' } ); } }, // Create a SliderProSlide instance for the slide passed as a jQuery element _createSlide: function( index, element ) { var that = this, slide = new SliderProSlide( $( element ), index, this.settings ); this.slides.splice( index, 0, slide ); slide.on( 'imagesLoaded.' + NS, function( event ) { if ( that.settings.autoSlideSize === true ) { if ( that.$slides.hasClass( 'sp-animated' ) === false ) { that._resetSlidesPosition(); } that._calculateSlidesSize(); } if ( that.settings.autoHeight === true && event.index === that.selectedSlideIndex ) { that._resizeHeightTo( slide.getSize().height); } }); }, // Arrange the slide elements in a loop inside the 'slidesOrder' array _updateSlidesOrder: function() { var slicedItems, i, // Calculate the distance between the selected element and the middle position distance = $.inArray( this.selectedSlideIndex, this.slidesOrder ) - this.middleSlidePosition; // If the distance is negative it means that the selected slider is before the middle position, so // slides from the end of the array will be added at the beginning, in order to shift the selected slide // forward. // // If the distance is positive, slides from the beginning of the array will be added at the end. if ( distance < 0 ) { slicedItems = this.slidesOrder.splice( distance, Math.abs( distance ) ); for ( i = slicedItems.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { this.slidesOrder.unshift( slicedItems[ i ] ); } } else if ( distance > 0 ) { slicedItems = this.slidesOrder.splice( 0, distance ); for ( i = 0; i <= slicedItems.length - 1; i++ ) { this.slidesOrder.push( slicedItems[ i ] ); } } }, // Set the left/top position of the slides based on their position in the 'slidesOrder' array _updateSlidesPosition: function() { var selectedSlidePixelPosition = parseInt( this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ), slide, $slideElement, slideIndex, previousPosition = selectedSlidePixelPosition, directionMultiplier, slideSize; if ( this.settings.autoSlideSize === true ) { if ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) { for ( slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition; slideIndex >= 0; slideIndex-- ) { slide = this.getSlideAt( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, previousPosition ); previousPosition = parseInt( $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ) + slide.getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] + this.settings.slideDistance; } previousPosition = selectedSlidePixelPosition; for ( slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition + 1; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++ ) { slide = this.getSlideAt( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, previousPosition - ( slide.getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] + this.settings.slideDistance ) ); previousPosition = parseInt( $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ); } } else { for ( slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition - 1; slideIndex >= 0; slideIndex-- ) { slide = this.getSlideAt( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, previousPosition - ( slide.getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] + this.settings.slideDistance ) ); previousPosition = parseInt( $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ); } previousPosition = selectedSlidePixelPosition; for ( slideIndex = this.middleSlidePosition; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++ ) { slide = this.getSlideAt( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, previousPosition ); previousPosition = parseInt( $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ) + slide.getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] + this.settings.slideDistance; } } } else { directionMultiplier = ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) ? -1 : 1; slideSize = ( this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) ? this.slideWidth : this.slideHeight; for ( slideIndex = 0; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++ ) { $slideElement = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, selectedSlidePixelPosition + directionMultiplier * ( slideIndex - this.middleSlidePosition ) * ( slideSize + this.settings.slideDistance ) ); } } }, // Set the left/top position of the slides based on their position in the 'slidesOrder' array, // and also set the position of the slides container. _resetSlidesPosition: function() { var previousPosition = 0, slide, $slideElement, slideIndex, selectedSlideSize, directionMultiplier, slideSize; if ( this.settings.autoSlideSize === true ) { if ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) { for ( slideIndex = 0; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++ ) { slide = this.getSlideAt( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, previousPosition - ( slide.getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] + this.settings.slideDistance ) ); previousPosition = parseInt( $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ); } } else { for ( slideIndex = 0; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++ ) { slide = this.getSlideAt( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement = slide.$slide; $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, previousPosition ); previousPosition = parseInt( $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ) + slide.getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] + this.settings.slideDistance; } } selectedSlideSize = this.getSlideAt( this.selectedSlideIndex ).getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ]; } else { directionMultiplier = ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) === true ? -1 : 1; slideSize = ( this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) ? this.slideWidth : this.slideHeight; for ( slideIndex = 0; slideIndex < this.slidesOrder.length; slideIndex++ ) { $slideElement = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.slidesOrder[ slideIndex ] ); $slideElement.css( this.positionProperty, directionMultiplier * slideIndex * ( slideSize + this.settings.slideDistance ) ); } selectedSlideSize = slideSize; } var selectedSlideOffset = this.settings.centerSelectedSlide === true && this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' ? Math.round( ( parseInt( this.$slidesMask.css( this.sizeProperty ), 10 ) - selectedSlideSize ) / 2 ) : 0, newSlidesPosition = - parseInt( this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ) + selectedSlideOffset; this._moveTo( newSlidesPosition, true ); }, // Calculate the total size of the slides and the average size of a single slide _calculateSlidesSize: function() { if ( this.settings.autoSlideSize === true ) { var firstSlide = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.slidesOrder[ 0 ] ), firstSlidePosition = parseInt( firstSlide.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ), lastSlide = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.slidesOrder[ this.slidesOrder.length - 1 ] ), lastSlidePosition = parseInt( lastSlide.css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ) + ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? -1 : 1 ) * parseInt( lastSlide.css( this.sizeProperty ), 10 ); this.slidesSize = Math.abs( lastSlidePosition - firstSlidePosition ); this.averageSlideSize = Math.round( this.slidesSize / this.slides.length ); } else { this.slidesSize = ( ( this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? this.slideWidth : this.slideHeight ) + this.settings.slideDistance ) * this.slides.length - this.settings.slideDistance; this.averageSlideSize = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? this.slideWidth : this.slideHeight; } }, // Called when the slider needs to resize resize: function() { var that = this; // Check if the current window width is bigger than the biggest breakpoint // and if necessary reset the properties to the original settings. // // If the window width is smaller than a certain breakpoint, apply the settings specified // for that breakpoint but only after merging them with the original settings // in order to make sure that only the specified settings for the breakpoint are applied if ( this.settings.breakpoints !== null && this.breakpoints.length > 0 ) { if ( $( window ).width() > this.breakpoints[ this.breakpoints.length - 1 ].size && this.currentBreakpoint !== -1 ) { this.currentBreakpoint = -1; this._setProperties( this.originalSettings, false ); } else { for ( var i = 0, n = this.breakpoints.length; i < n; i++ ) { if ( $( window ).width() <= this.breakpoints[ i ].size ) { if ( this.currentBreakpoint !== this.breakpoints[ i ].size ) { var eventObject = { type: 'breakpointReach', size: this.breakpoints[ i ].size, settings: this.breakpoints[ i ].properties }; this.trigger( eventObject ); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.breakpointReach ) ) this.settings.breakpointReach.call( this, eventObject ); this.currentBreakpoint = this.breakpoints[ i ].size; var settings = $.extend( {}, this.originalSettings, this.breakpoints[ i ].properties ); this._setProperties( settings, false ); return; } break; } } } } // Set the width of the main slider container based on whether or not the slider is responsive, // full width or full size if ( this.settings.responsive === true ) { if ( ( this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWidth' || this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow' ) && ( this.settings.visibleSize === 'auto' || this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' && this.settings.orientation === 'vertical' ) ) { this.$slider.css( 'margin', 0 ); this.$slider.css({ 'width': $( window ).width(), 'max-width': '', 'marginLeft': - this.$slider.offset().left }); } else { this.$slider.css({ 'width': '100%', 'max-width': this.settings.width, 'marginLeft': '' }); } } else { this.$slider.css({ 'width': this.settings.width }); } // Calculate the aspect ratio of the slider if ( this.settings.aspectRatio === -1 ) { this.settings.aspectRatio = this.settings.width / this.settings.height; } // Initially set the slide width to the size of the slider. // Later, this will be set to less if there are multiple visible slides. this.slideWidth = this.$slider.width(); // Set the height to the same size as the browser window if the slider is set to be 'fullWindow', // or calculate the height based on the width and the aspect ratio. if ( this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow' ) { this.slideHeight = $( window ).height(); } else { this.slideHeight = isNaN( this.settings.aspectRatio ) ? this.settings.height : this.slideWidth / this.settings.aspectRatio; } // Resize the slider only if the size of the slider has changed // If it hasn't, return. if ( this.previousSlideWidth !== this.slideWidth || this.previousSlideHeight !== this.slideHeight || this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' || this.$slider.outerWidth() > this.$slider.parent().width() || this.$slider.width() !== this.$slidesMask.width() ) { this.previousSlideWidth = this.slideWidth; this.previousSlideHeight = this.slideHeight; } else { return; } this._resizeSlides(); // Set the initial size of the mask container to the size of an individual slide this.$slidesMask.css({ 'width': this.slideWidth, 'height': this.slideHeight }); // Adjust the height if it's set to 'auto' if ( this.settings.autoHeight === true ) { // Delay the resizing of the height to allow for other resize handlers // to execute first before calculating the final height of the slide setTimeout( function() { that._resizeHeight(); }, 1 ); } else { this.$slidesMask.css( this.vendorPrefix + 'transition', '' ); } // The 'visibleSize' option can be set to fixed or percentage size to make more slides // visible at a time. // By default it's set to 'auto'. if ( this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' ) { if ( this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) { // If the size is forced to full width or full window, the 'visibleSize' option will be // ignored and the slider will become as wide as the browser window. if ( this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWidth' || this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow' ) { this.$slider.css( 'margin', 0 ); this.$slider.css({ 'width': $( window ).width(), 'max-width': '', 'marginLeft': - this.$slider.offset().left }); } else { this.$slider.css({ 'width': this.settings.visibleSize, 'max-width': '100%', 'marginLeft': 0 }); } this.$slidesMask.css( 'width', this.$slider.width() ); } else { // If the size is forced to full window, the 'visibleSize' option will be // ignored and the slider will become as high as the browser window. if ( this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow' ) { this.$slider.css({ 'height': $( window ).height(), 'max-height': '' }); } else { this.$slider.css({ 'height': this.settings.visibleSize, 'max-height': '100%' }); } this.$slidesMask.css( 'height', this.$slider.height() ); } } this._resetSlidesPosition(); this._calculateSlidesSize(); // Fire the 'sliderResize' event this.trigger({ type: 'sliderResize' }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.sliderResize ) ) { this.settings.sliderResize.call( this, { type: 'sliderResize' }); } }, // Resize each individual slide _resizeSlides: function() { var slideWidth = this.slideWidth, slideHeight = this.slideHeight; if ( this.settings.autoSlideSize === true ) { if ( this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) { slideWidth = 'auto'; } else if ( this.settings.orientation === 'vertical' ) { slideHeight = 'auto'; } } else if ( this.settings.autoHeight === true ) { slideHeight = 'auto'; } // Loop through the existing slides and reset their size. $.each( this.slides, function( index, element ) { element.setSize( slideWidth, slideHeight ); }); }, // Resize the height of the slider to the height of the selected slide. // It's used when the 'autoHeight' option is set to 'true'. _resizeHeight: function() { var that = this, selectedSlide = this.getSlideAt( this.selectedSlideIndex ); this._resizeHeightTo( selectedSlide.getSize().height ); }, // Open the slide at the specified index gotoSlide: function( index ) { if ( index === this.selectedSlideIndex || typeof this.slides[ index ] === 'undefined' ) { return; } var that = this; this.previousSlideIndex = this.selectedSlideIndex; this.selectedSlideIndex = index; // Re-assign the 'sp-selected' class to the currently selected slide this.$slides.find( '.sp-selected' ).removeClass( 'sp-selected' ); this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).addClass( 'sp-selected' ); // If the slider is loopable reorder the slides to have the selected slide in the middle // and update the slides' position. if ( this.settings.loop === true ) { this._updateSlidesOrder(); this._updateSlidesPosition(); } // Adjust the height of the slider if ( this.settings.autoHeight === true ) { this._resizeHeight(); } var selectedSlideOffset = this.settings.centerSelectedSlide === true && this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' ? Math.round( ( parseInt( this.$slidesMask.css( this.sizeProperty ), 10 ) - this.getSlideAt( this.selectedSlideIndex ).getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] ) / 2 ) : 0, newSlidesPosition = - parseInt( this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ) + selectedSlideOffset; // Move the slides container to the new position this._moveTo( newSlidesPosition, false, function() { that._resetSlidesPosition(); // Fire the 'gotoSlideComplete' event that.trigger({ type: 'gotoSlideComplete', index: index, previousIndex: that.previousSlideIndex }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.gotoSlideComplete ) ) { that.settings.gotoSlideComplete.call( that, { type: 'gotoSlideComplete', index: index, previousIndex: that.previousSlideIndex } ); } }); // Fire the 'gotoSlide' event this.trigger({ type: 'gotoSlide', index: index, previousIndex: this.previousSlideIndex }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.gotoSlide ) ) { this.settings.gotoSlide.call( this, { type: 'gotoSlide', index: index, previousIndex: this.previousSlideIndex } ); } }, // Open the next slide nextSlide: function() { var index = ( this.selectedSlideIndex >= this.getTotalSlides() - 1 ) ? 0 : ( this.selectedSlideIndex + 1 ); this.gotoSlide( index ); }, // Open the previous slide previousSlide: function() { var index = this.selectedSlideIndex <= 0 ? ( this.getTotalSlides() - 1 ) : ( this.selectedSlideIndex - 1 ); this.gotoSlide( index ); }, // Move the slides container to the specified position. // The movement can be instant or animated. _moveTo: function( position, instant, callback ) { var that = this, css = {}; if ( position === this.slidesPosition ) { return; } this.slidesPosition = position; if ( ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d' ) && this.isIE === false ) { var transition, left = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? position : 0, top = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? 0 : position; if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' ) { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)'; } else { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)'; } if ( typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true ) { transition = ''; } else { this.$slides.addClass( 'sp-animated' ); transition = this.vendorPrefix + 'transform ' + this.settings.slideAnimationDuration / 1000 + 's'; this.$slides.on( this.transitionEvent, function( event ) { if ( event.target !== event.currentTarget ) { return; } that.$slides.off( that.transitionEvent ); that.$slides.removeClass( 'sp-animated' ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }); } css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = transition; this.$slides.css( css ); } else { css[ 'margin-' + this.positionProperty ] = position; if ( typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true ) { this.$slides.css( css ); } else { this.$slides.addClass( 'sp-animated' ); this.$slides.animate( css, this.settings.slideAnimationDuration, function() { that.$slides.removeClass( 'sp-animated' ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }); } } }, // Stop the movement of the slides _stopMovement: function() { var css = {}; if ( ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d' ) && this.isIE === false) { // Get the current position of the slides by parsing the 'transform' property var matrixString = this.$slides.css( this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ), matrixType = matrixString.indexOf( 'matrix3d' ) !== -1 ? 'matrix3d' : 'matrix', matrixArray = matrixString.replace( matrixType, '' ).match( /-?[0-9\.]+/g ), left = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt( matrixArray[ 12 ], 10 ) : parseInt( matrixArray[ 4 ], 10 ), top = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt( matrixArray[ 13 ], 10 ) : parseInt( matrixArray[ 5 ], 10 ); // Set the transform property to the value that the transform had when the function was called if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' ) { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)'; } else { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)'; } css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = ''; this.$slides.css( css ); this.$slides.off( this.transitionEvent ); this.slidesPosition = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? left : top; } else { this.$slides.stop(); this.slidesPosition = parseInt( this.$slides.css( 'margin-' + this.positionProperty ), 10 ); } this.$slides.removeClass( 'sp-animated' ); }, // Resize the height of the slider to the specified value _resizeHeightTo: function( height ) { var that = this, css = { 'height': height }; if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d' ) { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = 'height ' + this.settings.heightAnimationDuration / 1000 + 's'; this.$slidesMask.off( this.transitionEvent ); this.$slidesMask.on( this.transitionEvent, function( event ) { if ( event.target !== event.currentTarget ) { return; } that.$slidesMask.off( that.transitionEvent ); // Fire the 'resizeHeightComplete' event that.trigger({ type: 'resizeHeightComplete' }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.resizeHeightComplete ) ) { that.settings.resizeHeightComplete.call( that, { type: 'resizeHeightComplete' } ); } }); this.$slidesMask.css( css ); } else { this.$slidesMask.stop().animate( css, this.settings.heightAnimationDuration, function( event ) { // Fire the 'resizeHeightComplete' event that.trigger({ type: 'resizeHeightComplete' }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.resizeHeightComplete ) ) { that.settings.resizeHeightComplete.call( that, { type: 'resizeHeightComplete' } ); } }); } }, // Destroy the slider instance destroy: function() { // Remove the stored reference to this instance this.$slider.removeData( 'sliderPro' ); // Clean the CSS this.$slider.removeAttr( 'style' ); this.$slides.removeAttr( 'style' ); // Remove event listeners this.off( 'update.' + NS ); $( window ).off( 'resize.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS ); // Destroy modules var modules = $.SliderPro.modules; if ( typeof modules !== 'undefined' ) { for ( var i = 0; i < modules.length; i++ ) { if ( typeof this[ 'destroy' + modules[ i ] ] !== 'undefined' ) { this[ 'destroy' + modules[ i ] ](); } } } // Destroy all slides $.each( this.slides, function( index, element ) { element.destroy(); }); this.slides.length = 0; // Move the slides to their initial position in the DOM and // remove the container elements created dynamically. this.$slides.prependTo( this.$slider ); this.$slidesContainer.remove(); }, // Set properties on runtime _setProperties: function( properties, store ) { // Parse the properties passed as an object for ( var prop in properties ) { this.settings[ prop ] = properties[ prop ]; // Alter the original settings as well unless 'false' is passed to the 'store' parameter if ( store !== false ) { this.originalSettings[ prop ] = properties[ prop ]; } } this.update(); }, // Attach an event handler to the slider on: function( type, callback ) { return this.$slider.on( type, callback ); }, // Detach an event handler off: function( type ) { return this.$slider.off( type ); }, // Trigger an event on the slider trigger: function( data ) { return this.$slider.triggerHandler( data ); }, // Return the slide at the specified index getSlideAt: function( index ) { return this.slides[ index ]; }, // Return the index of the currently opened slide getSelectedSlide: function() { return this.selectedSlideIndex; }, // Return the total amount of slides getTotalSlides: function() { return this.slides.length; }, // The default options of the slider defaults: { // Width of the slide width: 500, // Height of the slide height: 300, // Indicates if the slider is responsive responsive: true, // The aspect ratio of the slider (width/height) aspectRatio: -1, // The scale mode for images (cover, contain, exact and none) imageScaleMode: 'cover', // Indicates if the image will be centered centerImage: true, // Indicates if the image can be scaled up more than its original size allowScaleUp: true, // Indicates if height of the slider will be adjusted to the // height of the selected slide autoHeight: false, // Will maintain all the slides at the same height, but will allow the width // of the slides to be variable if the orientation of the slides is horizontal // and vice-versa if the orientation is vertical autoSlideSize: false, // Indicates the initially selected slide startSlide: 0, // Indicates if the slides will be shuffled shuffle: false, // Indicates whether the slides will be arranged horizontally // or vertically. Can be set to 'horizontal' or 'vertical'. orientation: 'horizontal', // Indicates if the size of the slider will be forced to 'fullWidth' or 'fullWindow' forceSize: 'none', // Indicates if the slider will be loopable loop: true, // The distance between slides slideDistance: 10, // The duration of the slide animation slideAnimationDuration: 700, // The duration of the height animation heightAnimationDuration: 700, // Sets the size of the visible area, allowing the increase of it in order // to make more slides visible. // By default, only the selected slide will be visible. visibleSize: 'auto', // Indicates whether the selected slide will be in the center of the slider, when there // are more slides visible at a time. If set to false, the selected slide will be in the // left side of the slider. centerSelectedSlide: true, // Indicates if the direction of the slider will be from right to left, // instead of the default left to right rightToLeft: false, // Breakpoints for allowing the slider's options to be changed // based on the size of the window. breakpoints: null, // Called when the slider is initialized init: function() {}, // Called when the slider is updates update: function() {}, // Called when the slider is resized sliderResize: function() {}, // Called when a new slide is selected gotoSlide: function() {}, // Called when the navigation to the newly selected slide is complete gotoSlideComplete: function() {}, // Called when the height animation of the slider is complete resizeHeightComplete: function() {}, // Called when a breakpoint is reached breakpointReach: function() {} } }; var SliderProSlide = function( slide, index, settings ) { // Reference to the slide jQuery element this.$slide = slide; // Reference to the main slide image this.$mainImage = null; // Reference to the container that will hold the main image this.$imageContainer = null; // Indicates whether the slide has a main image this.hasMainImage = false; // Indicates whether the main image is loaded this.isMainImageLoaded = false; // Indicates whether the main image is in the process of being loaded this.isMainImageLoading = false; // Indicates whether the slide has any image. There could be other images (i.e., in layers) // besides the main slide image. this.hasImages = false; // Indicates if all the images in the slide are loaded this.areImagesLoaded = false; // Indicates if the images inside the slide are in the process of being loaded this.areImagesLoading = false; // The width and height of the slide this.width = 0; this.height = 0; // Reference to the global settings of the slider this.settings = settings; // Set the index of the slide this.setIndex( index ); // Initialize the slide this._init(); }; SliderProSlide.prototype = { // The starting point for the slide _init: function() { var that = this; // Mark the slide as initialized this.$slide.attr( 'data-init', true ); // Get the main slide image if there is one this.$mainImage = this.$slide.find( '.sp-image' ).length !== 0 ? this.$slide.find( '.sp-image' ) : null; // If there is a main slide image, create a container for it and add the image to this container. // The container will allow the isolation of the image from the rest of the slide's content. This is // helpful when you want to show some content below the image and not cover it. if ( this.$mainImage !== null ) { this.hasMainImage = true; this.$imageContainer = $( '
' ).prependTo( this.$slide ); if ( this.$mainImage.parent( 'a' ).length !== 0 ) { this.$mainImage.parent( 'a' ).appendTo( this.$imageContainer ); } else { this.$mainImage.appendTo( this.$imageContainer ); } } this.hasImages = this.$slide.find( 'img' ).length !== 0 ? true : false; }, // Set the size of the slide setSize: function( width, height ) { var that = this; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.$slide.css({ 'width': this.width, 'height': this.height }); if ( this.hasMainImage === true ) { // Initially set the width and height of the container to the width and height // specified in the settings. This will prevent content overflowing if the width or height // are 'auto'. The 'auto' value will be passed only after the image is loaded. this.$imageContainer.css({ 'width': this.settings.width, 'height': this.settings.height }); // Resize the main image if it's loaded. If the 'data-src' attribute is present it means // that the image will be lazy-loaded if ( typeof this.$mainImage.attr( 'data-src' ) === 'undefined' ) { this.resizeMainImage(); } } }, // Get the size (width and height) of the slide getSize: function() { var that = this, size; // Check if all images have loaded, and if they have, return the size, else, return // the original width and height of the slide if ( this.hasImages === true && this.areImagesLoaded === false && this.areImagesLoading === false ) { this.areImagesLoading = true; var status = SliderProUtils.checkImagesStatus( this.$slide ); if ( status !== 'complete' ) { SliderProUtils.checkImagesComplete( this.$slide, function() { that.areImagesLoaded = true; that.areImagesLoading = false; that.trigger({ type: 'imagesLoaded.' + NS, index: that.index }); }); // if the image is not loaded yet, return the original width and height of the slider return { 'width': this.settings.width, 'height': this.settings.height }; } } size = this.calculateSize(); return { 'width': size.width, 'height': size.height }; }, // Calculate the width and height of the slide by going // through all the child elements and measuring their 'bottom' // and 'right' properties. The element with the biggest // 'right'/'bottom' property will determine the slide's // width/height. calculateSize: function() { var width = this.$slide.width(), height = this.$slide.height(); this.$slide.children().each(function( index, element ) { var child = $( element ); if ( child.is( ':hidden' ) === true ) { return; } var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(), bottom = child.position().top + ( rect.bottom - rect.top ), right = child.position().left + ( rect.right - rect.left ); if ( bottom > height ) { height = bottom; } if ( right > width ) { width = right; } }); return { width: width, height: height }; }, // Resize the main image. // // Call this when the slide resizes or when the main image has changed to a different image. resizeMainImage: function( isNewImage ) { var that = this; // If the main image has changed, reset the 'flags' if ( isNewImage === true ) { this.isMainImageLoaded = false; this.isMainImageLoading = false; } // If the image was not loaded yet and it's not in the process of being loaded, load it if ( this.isMainImageLoaded === false && this.isMainImageLoading === false ) { this.isMainImageLoading = true; SliderProUtils.checkImagesComplete( this.$mainImage, function() { that.isMainImageLoaded = true; that.isMainImageLoading = false; that.resizeMainImage(); that.trigger({ type: 'imagesLoaded.' + NS, index: that.index }); }); return; } // Set the size of the image container element to the proper 'width' and 'height' // values, as they were calculated. Previous values were the 'width' and 'height' // from the settings. this.$imageContainer.css({ 'width': this.width, 'height': this.height }); if ( this.settings.allowScaleUp === false ) { // reset the image to its natural size this.$mainImage.css({ 'width': '', 'height': '', 'maxWidth': '', 'maxHeight': '' }); // set the boundaries this.$mainImage.css({ 'maxWidth': this.$mainImage.width(), 'maxHeight': this.$mainImage.height() }); } // After the main image has loaded, resize it if ( this.settings.autoSlideSize === true ) { if ( this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }); // resize the slide's width to a fixed value instead of 'auto', to // prevent incorrect sizing caused by links added to the main image this.$slide.css( 'width', this.$mainImage.width() ); } else if ( this.settings.orientation === 'vertical' ) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }); // resize the slide's height to a fixed value instead of 'auto', to // prevent incorrect sizing caused by links added to the main image this.$slide.css( 'height', this.$mainImage.height() ); } } else if ( this.settings.autoHeight === true ) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }); } else { if ( this.settings.imageScaleMode === 'cover' ) { if ( this.$mainImage.width() / this.$mainImage.height() <= this.$slide.width() / this.$slide.height() ) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }); } else { this.$mainImage.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }); } } else if ( this.settings.imageScaleMode === 'contain' ) { if ( this.$mainImage.width() / this.$mainImage.height() >= this.$slide.width() / this.$slide.height() ) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }); } else { this.$mainImage.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }); } } else if ( this.settings.imageScaleMode === 'exact' ) { this.$mainImage.css({ width: '100%', height: '100%' }); } if ( this.settings.centerImage === true ) { this.$mainImage.css({ 'marginLeft': ( this.$imageContainer.width() - this.$mainImage.width() ) * 0.5, 'marginTop': ( this.$imageContainer.height() - this.$mainImage.height() ) * 0.5 }); } } }, // Destroy the slide destroy: function() { // Clean the slide element from attached styles and data this.$slide.removeAttr( 'style' ); this.$slide.removeAttr( 'data-init' ); this.$slide.removeAttr( 'data-index' ); this.$slide.removeAttr( 'data-loaded' ); // If there is a main image, remove its container if ( this.hasMainImage === true ) { this.$slide.find( '.sp-image' ) .removeAttr( 'style' ) .appendTo( this.$slide ); this.$slide.find( '.sp-image-container' ).remove(); } }, // Return the index of the slide getIndex: function() { return this.index; }, // Set the index of the slide setIndex: function( index ) { this.index = index; this.$slide.attr( 'data-index', this.index ); }, // Attach an event handler to the slide on: function( type, callback ) { return this.$slide.on( type, callback ); }, // Detach an event handler to the slide off: function( type ) { return this.$slide.off( type ); }, // Trigger an event on the slide trigger: function( data ) { return this.$slide.triggerHandler( data ); } }; window.SliderPro = SliderPro; window.SliderProSlide = SliderProSlide; $.fn.sliderPro = function( options ) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); return this.each(function() { // Instantiate the slider or alter it if ( typeof $( this ).data( 'sliderPro' ) === 'undefined' ) { var newInstance = new SliderPro( this, options ); // Store a reference to the instance created $( this ).data( 'sliderPro', newInstance ); } else if ( typeof options !== 'undefined' ) { var currentInstance = $( this ).data( 'sliderPro' ); // Check the type of argument passed if ( typeof currentInstance[ options ] === 'function' ) { currentInstance[ options ].apply( currentInstance, args ); } else if ( typeof currentInstance.settings[ options ] !== 'undefined' ) { var obj = {}; obj[ options ] = args[ 0 ]; currentInstance._setProperties( obj ); } else if ( typeof options === 'object' ) { currentInstance._setProperties( options ); } else { $.error( options + ' does not exist in sliderPro.' ); } } }); }; // Contains useful utility functions var SliderProUtils = { // Indicates what type of animations are supported in the current browser // Can be CSS 3D, CSS 2D or JavaScript supportedAnimation: null, // Indicates the required vendor prefix for the current browser vendorPrefix: null, // Indicates the name of the transition's complete event for the current browser transitionEvent: null, // Indicates if the current browser is Internet Explorer (any version) isIE: null, // Check whether CSS3 3D or 2D transforms are supported. If they aren't, use JavaScript animations getSupportedAnimation: function() { if ( this.supportedAnimation !== null ) { return this.supportedAnimation; } var element = document.body || document.documentElement, elementStyle = element.style, isCSSTransitions = typeof elementStyle.transition !== 'undefined' || typeof elementStyle.WebkitTransition !== 'undefined' || typeof elementStyle.MozTransition !== 'undefined' || typeof elementStyle.OTransition !== 'undefined'; if ( isCSSTransitions === true ) { var div = document.createElement( 'div' ); // Check if 3D transforms are supported if ( typeof div.style.WebkitPerspective !== 'undefined' || typeof div.style.perspective !== 'undefined' ) { this.supportedAnimation = 'css-3d'; } // Additional checks for Webkit if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' && typeof div.styleWebkitPerspective !== 'undefined' ) { var style = document.createElement( 'style' ); style.textContent = '@media (transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d){#test-3d{left:9px;position:absolute;height:5px;margin:0;padding:0;border:0;}}'; document.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[0].appendChild( style ); div.id = 'test-3d'; document.body.appendChild( div ); if ( ! ( div.offsetLeft === 9 && div.offsetHeight === 5 ) ) { this.supportedAnimation = null; } style.parentNode.removeChild( style ); div.parentNode.removeChild( div ); } // If CSS 3D transforms are not supported, check if 2D transforms are supported if ( this.supportedAnimation === null && ( typeof div.style['-webkit-transform'] !== 'undefined' || typeof div.style.transform !== 'undefined' ) ) { this.supportedAnimation = 'css-2d'; } } else { this.supportedAnimation = 'javascript'; } return this.supportedAnimation; }, // Check what vendor prefix should be used in the current browser getVendorPrefix: function() { if ( this.vendorPrefix !== null ) { return this.vendorPrefix; } var div = document.createElement( 'div' ), prefixes = [ 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O' ]; if ( 'transform' in div.style ) { this.vendorPrefix = ''; return this.vendorPrefix; } for ( var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++ ) { if ( ( prefixes[ i ] + 'Transform' ) in div.style ) { this.vendorPrefix = '-' + prefixes[ i ].toLowerCase() + '-'; break; } } return this.vendorPrefix; }, // Check the name of the transition's complete event in the current browser getTransitionEvent: function() { if ( this.transitionEvent !== null ) { return this.transitionEvent; } var div = document.createElement( 'div' ), transitions = { 'transition': 'transitionend', 'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd', 'MozTransition': 'transitionend', 'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd' }; for ( var transition in transitions ) { if ( transition in div.style ) { this.transitionEvent = transitions[ transition ]; break; } } return this.transitionEvent; }, // If a single image is passed, check if it's loaded. // If a different element is passed, check if there are images // inside it, and check if these images are loaded. checkImagesComplete: function( target, callback ) { var that = this, // Check the initial status of the image(s) status = this.checkImagesStatus( target ); // If there are loading images, wait for them to load. // If the images are loaded, call the callback function directly. if ( status === 'loading' ) { var checkImages = setInterval(function() { status = that.checkImagesStatus( target ); if ( status === 'complete' ) { clearInterval( checkImages ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } } }, 100 ); } else if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } return status; }, checkImagesStatus: function( target ) { var status = 'complete'; if ( target.is( 'img' ) && target[0].complete === false ) { status = 'loading'; } else { target.find( 'img' ).each(function( index ) { var image = $( this )[0]; if ( image.complete === false ) { status = 'loading'; } }); } return status; }, checkIE: function() { if ( this.isIE !== null ) { return this.isIE; } var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent, msie = userAgent.indexOf( 'MSIE' ); if ( userAgent.indexOf( 'MSIE' ) !== -1 || userAgent.match( /Trident.*rv\:11\./ ) ) { this.isIE = true; } else { this.isIE = false; } return this.isIE; } }; window.SliderProUtils = SliderProUtils; })( window, jQuery ); // Thumbnails module for Slider Pro. // // Adds the possibility to create a thumbnail scroller, each thumbnail // corresponding to a slide. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Thumbnails.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Thumbnails = { // Reference to the thumbnail scroller $thumbnails: null, // Reference to the container of the thumbnail scroller $thumbnailsContainer: null, // List of Thumbnail objects thumbnails: null, // Index of the selected thumbnail selectedThumbnailIndex: 0, // Total size (width or height, depending on the orientation) of the thumbnails thumbnailsSize: 0, // Size of the thumbnail's container thumbnailsContainerSize: 0, // The position of the thumbnail scroller inside its container thumbnailsPosition: 0, // Orientation of the thumbnails thumbnailsOrientation: null, // Indicates the 'left' or 'top' position based on the orientation of the thumbnails thumbnailsPositionProperty: null, // Indicates if there are thumbnails in the slider isThumbnailScroller: false, initThumbnails: function() { var that = this; this.thumbnails = []; this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._thumbnailsOnUpdate, this ) ); this.on( 'sliderResize.' + NS, $.proxy( this._thumbnailsOnResize, this ) ); this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, function( event ) { that._gotoThumbnail( event.index ); }); }, // Called when the slider is updated _thumbnailsOnUpdate: function() { var that = this; if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).length === 0 && this.thumbnails.length === 0 ) { this.isThumbnailScroller = false; return; } this.isThumbnailScroller = true; // Create the container of the thumbnail scroller, if it wasn't created yet if ( this.$thumbnailsContainer === null ) { this.$thumbnailsContainer = $( '
' ).insertAfter( this.$slidesContainer ); } // If the thumbnails' main container doesn't exist, create it, and get a reference to it if ( this.$thumbnails === null ) { if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-thumbnails' ).length !== 0 ) { this.$thumbnails = this.$slider.find( '.sp-thumbnails' ).appendTo( this.$thumbnailsContainer ); // Shuffle/randomize the thumbnails if ( this.settings.shuffle === true ) { var thumbnails = this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ), shuffledThumbnails = []; // Reposition the thumbnails based on the order of the indexes in the // 'shuffledIndexes' array $.each( this.shuffledIndexes, function( index, element ) { var $thumbnail = $( thumbnails[ element ] ); if ( $thumbnail.parent( 'a' ).length !== 0 ) { $thumbnail = $thumbnail.parent( 'a' ); } shuffledThumbnails.push( $thumbnail ); }); // Append the sorted thumbnails to the thumbnail scroller this.$thumbnails.empty().append( shuffledThumbnails ) ; } } else { this.$thumbnails = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$thumbnailsContainer ); } } // Check if there are thumbnails inside the slides and move them in the thumbnails container this.$slides.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).each( function( index ) { var $thumbnail = $( this ), thumbnailIndex = $thumbnail.parents( '.sp-slide' ).index(), lastThumbnailIndex = that.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).length - 1; if ( $thumbnail.parent( 'a' ).length !== 0 ) { $thumbnail = $thumbnail.parent( 'a' ); } // If the index of the slide that contains the thumbnail is greater than the total number // of thumbnails from the thumbnails container, position the thumbnail at the end. // Otherwise, add the thumbnails at the corresponding position. if ( thumbnailIndex > lastThumbnailIndex ) { $thumbnail.appendTo( that.$thumbnails ); } else { $thumbnail.insertBefore( that.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).eq( thumbnailIndex ) ); } }); // Loop through the Thumbnail objects and if a corresponding element is not found in the DOM, // it means that the thumbnail might have been removed. In this case, destroy that Thumbnail instance. for ( var i = this.thumbnails.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail[data-index="' + i + '"]' ).length === 0 ) { var thumbnail = this.thumbnails[ i ]; thumbnail.destroy(); this.thumbnails.splice( i, 1 ); } } // Loop through the thumbnails and if there is any uninitialized thumbnail, // initialize it, else update the thumbnail's index. this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).each(function( index ) { var $thumbnail = $( this ); if ( typeof $thumbnail.attr( 'data-init' ) === 'undefined' ) { that._createThumbnail( $thumbnail, index ); } else { that.thumbnails[ index ].setIndex( index ); } }); // Remove the previous class that corresponds to the position of the thumbnail scroller this.$thumbnailsContainer.removeClass( 'sp-top-thumbnails sp-bottom-thumbnails sp-left-thumbnails sp-right-thumbnails' ); // Check the position of the thumbnail scroller and assign it the appropriate class and styling if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'top' ) { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass( 'sp-top-thumbnails' ); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'horizontal'; } else if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'bottom' ) { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass( 'sp-bottom-thumbnails' ); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'horizontal'; } else if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'left' ) { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass( 'sp-left-thumbnails' ); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'vertical'; } else if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'right' ) { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass( 'sp-right-thumbnails' ); this.thumbnailsOrientation = 'vertical'; } // Check if the pointer needs to be created if ( this.settings.thumbnailPointer === true ) { this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass( 'sp-has-pointer' ); } else { this.$thumbnailsContainer.removeClass( 'sp-has-pointer' ); } // Mark the thumbnail that corresponds to the selected slide this.selectedThumbnailIndex = this.selectedSlideIndex; this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail-container' ).eq( this.selectedThumbnailIndex ).addClass( 'sp-selected-thumbnail' ); // Calculate the total size of the thumbnails this.thumbnailsSize = 0; $.each( this.thumbnails, function( index, thumbnail ) { thumbnail.setSize( that.settings.thumbnailWidth, that.settings.thumbnailHeight ); that.thumbnailsSize += that.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? thumbnail.getSize().width : thumbnail.getSize().height; }); // Set the size of the thumbnails if ( this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ) { this.$thumbnails.css({ 'width': this.thumbnailsSize, 'height': this.settings.thumbnailHeight }); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css( 'height', '' ); this.thumbnailsPositionProperty = 'left'; } else { this.$thumbnails.css({ 'width': this.settings.thumbnailWidth, 'height': this.thumbnailsSize }); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css( 'width', '' ); this.thumbnailsPositionProperty = 'top'; } // Fire the 'thumbnailsUpdate' event this.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailsUpdate' }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.thumbnailsUpdate ) ) { this.settings.thumbnailsUpdate.call( this, { type: 'thumbnailsUpdate' } ); } }, // Create an individual thumbnail _createThumbnail: function( element, index ) { var that = this, thumbnail = new Thumbnail( element, this.$thumbnails, index ); // When the thumbnail is clicked, navigate to the corresponding slide thumbnail.on( 'thumbnailClick.' + NS, function( event ) { that.gotoSlide( event.index ); }); // Add the thumbnail at the specified index this.thumbnails.splice( index, 0, thumbnail ); }, // Called when the slider is resized. // Resets the size and position of the thumbnail scroller container. _thumbnailsOnResize: function() { if ( this.isThumbnailScroller === false ) { return; } var that = this, newThumbnailsPosition; if ( this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ) { this.thumbnailsContainerSize = Math.min( this.$slidesMask.width(), this.thumbnailsSize ); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css( 'width', this.thumbnailsContainerSize ); // Reduce the slide mask's height, to make room for the thumbnails if ( this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow' ) { this.$slidesMask.css( 'height', this.$slidesMask.height() - this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerHeight( true ) ); // Resize the slides this.slideHeight = this.$slidesMask.height(); this._resizeSlides(); // Re-arrange the slides this._resetSlidesPosition(); } } else if ( this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'vertical' ) { // Check if the width of the slide mask plus the width of the thumbnail scroller is greater than // the width of the slider's container and if that's the case, reduce the slides container width // in order to make the entire slider fit inside the slider's container. if ( this.$slidesMask.width() + this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth( true ) > this.$slider.parent().width() ) { // Reduce the slider's width, to make room for the thumbnails if ( this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWidth' || this.settings.forceSize === 'fullWindow' ) { this.$slider.css( 'max-width', $( window ).width() - this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth( true ) ); } else { this.$slider.css( 'max-width', this.$slider.parent().width() - this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth( true ) ); } this.$slidesMask.css( 'width', this.$slider.width() ); // If the slides are vertically oriented, update the width and height (to maintain the aspect ratio) // of the slides. if ( this.settings.orientation === 'vertical' ) { this.slideWidth = this.$slider.width(); this._resizeSlides(); } // Re-arrange the slides this._resetSlidesPosition(); } this.thumbnailsContainerSize = Math.min( this.$slidesMask.height(), this.thumbnailsSize ); this.$thumbnailsContainer.css( 'height', this.thumbnailsContainerSize ); } // If the total size of the thumbnails is smaller than the thumbnail scroller' container (which has // the same size as the slides container), it means that all the thumbnails will be visible, so set // the position of the thumbnail scroller to 0. // // If that's not the case, the thumbnail scroller will be positioned based on which thumbnail is selected. if ( this.thumbnailsSize <= this.thumbnailsContainerSize || this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-selected-thumbnail' ).length === 0 ) { newThumbnailsPosition = 0; } else { newThumbnailsPosition = Math.max( - this.thumbnails[ this.selectedThumbnailIndex ].getPosition()[ this.thumbnailsPositionProperty ], this.thumbnailsContainerSize - this.thumbnailsSize ); } // Add a padding to the slider, based on the thumbnail scroller's orientation, to make room // for the thumbnails. if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'top' ) { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerHeight( true ), 'paddingLeft': '', 'paddingRight': '' }); } else if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'bottom' ) { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': '', 'paddingLeft': '', 'paddingRight': '' }); } else if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'left' ) { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': '', 'paddingLeft': this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth( true ), 'paddingRight': '' }); } else if ( this.settings.thumbnailsPosition === 'right' ) { this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': '', 'paddingLeft': '', 'paddingRight': this.$thumbnailsContainer.outerWidth( true ) }); } this._moveThumbnailsTo( newThumbnailsPosition, true ); }, // Selects the thumbnail at the indicated index and moves the thumbnail scroller // accordingly. _gotoThumbnail: function( index ) { if ( this.isThumbnailScroller === false || typeof this.thumbnails[ index ] === 'undefined' ) { return; } var previousIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex, newThumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition; this.selectedThumbnailIndex = index; // Set the 'selected' class to the appropriate thumbnail this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-selected-thumbnail' ).removeClass( 'sp-selected-thumbnail' ); this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail-container' ).eq( this.selectedThumbnailIndex ).addClass( 'sp-selected-thumbnail' ); // Calculate the new position that the thumbnail scroller needs to go to. // // If the selected thumbnail has a higher index than the previous one, make sure that the thumbnail // that comes after the selected thumbnail will be visible, if the selected thumbnail is not the // last thumbnail in the list. // // If the selected thumbnail has a lower index than the previous one, make sure that the thumbnail // that's before the selected thumbnail will be visible, if the selected thumbnail is not the // first thumbnail in the list. if ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ) { if ( this.selectedThumbnailIndex >= previousIndex ) { var rtlNextThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === this.thumbnails.length - 1 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex + 1, rtlNextThumbnail = this.thumbnails[ rtlNextThumbnailIndex ]; if ( rtlNextThumbnail.getPosition().left < - this.thumbnailsPosition ) { newThumbnailsPosition = - rtlNextThumbnail.getPosition().left; } } else if ( this.selectedThumbnailIndex < previousIndex ) { var rtlPreviousThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === 0 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex - 1, rtlPreviousThumbnail = this.thumbnails[ rtlPreviousThumbnailIndex ], rtlThumbnailsRightPosition = - this.thumbnailsPosition + this.thumbnailsContainerSize; if ( rtlPreviousThumbnail.getPosition().right > rtlThumbnailsRightPosition ) { newThumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition - ( rtlPreviousThumbnail.getPosition().right - rtlThumbnailsRightPosition ); } } } else { if ( this.selectedThumbnailIndex >= previousIndex ) { var nextThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === this.thumbnails.length - 1 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex + 1, nextThumbnail = this.thumbnails[ nextThumbnailIndex ], nextThumbnailPosition = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? nextThumbnail.getPosition().right : nextThumbnail.getPosition().bottom, thumbnailsRightPosition = - this.thumbnailsPosition + this.thumbnailsContainerSize; if ( nextThumbnailPosition > thumbnailsRightPosition ) { newThumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition - ( nextThumbnailPosition - thumbnailsRightPosition ); } } else if ( this.selectedThumbnailIndex < previousIndex ) { var previousThumbnailIndex = this.selectedThumbnailIndex === 0 ? this.selectedThumbnailIndex : this.selectedThumbnailIndex - 1, previousThumbnail = this.thumbnails[ previousThumbnailIndex ], previousThumbnailPosition = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? previousThumbnail.getPosition().left : previousThumbnail.getPosition().top; if ( previousThumbnailPosition < - this.thumbnailsPosition ) { newThumbnailsPosition = - previousThumbnailPosition; } } } // Move the thumbnail scroller to the calculated position this._moveThumbnailsTo( newThumbnailsPosition ); // Fire the 'gotoThumbnail' event this.trigger({ type: 'gotoThumbnail' }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.gotoThumbnail ) ) { this.settings.gotoThumbnail.call( this, { type: 'gotoThumbnail' }); } }, // Move the thumbnail scroller to the indicated position _moveThumbnailsTo: function( position, instant, callback ) { var that = this, css = {}; // Return if the position hasn't changed if ( position === this.thumbnailsPosition ) { return; } this.thumbnailsPosition = position; // Use CSS transitions if they are supported. If not, use JavaScript animation if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d' ) { var transition, left = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? position : 0, top = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? 0 : position; if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' ) { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)'; } else { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)'; } if ( typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true ) { transition = ''; } else { this.$thumbnails.addClass( 'sp-animated' ); transition = this.vendorPrefix + 'transform ' + 700 / 1000 + 's'; this.$thumbnails.on( this.transitionEvent, function( event ) { if ( event.target !== event.currentTarget ) { return; } that.$thumbnails.off( that.transitionEvent ); that.$thumbnails.removeClass( 'sp-animated' ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } // Fire the 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' event that.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete ) ) { that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete.call( that, { type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); } }); } css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = transition; this.$thumbnails.css( css ); } else { css[ 'margin-' + this.thumbnailsPositionProperty ] = position; if ( typeof instant !== 'undefined' && instant === true ) { this.$thumbnails.css( css ); } else { this.$thumbnails .addClass( 'sp-animated' ) .animate( css, 700, function() { that.$thumbnails.removeClass( 'sp-animated' ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } // Fire the 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' event that.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete ) ) { that.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete.call( that, { type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); } }); } } }, // Stop the movement of the thumbnail scroller _stopThumbnailsMovement: function() { var css = {}; if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d' ) { var matrixString = this.$thumbnails.css( this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ), matrixType = matrixString.indexOf( 'matrix3d' ) !== -1 ? 'matrix3d' : 'matrix', matrixArray = matrixString.replace( matrixType, '' ).match( /-?[0-9\.]+/g ), left = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt( matrixArray[ 12 ], 10 ) : parseInt( matrixArray[ 4 ], 10 ), top = matrixType === 'matrix3d' ? parseInt( matrixArray[ 13 ], 10 ) : parseInt( matrixArray[ 5 ], 10 ); if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' ) { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)'; } else { css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'translate(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px)'; } css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = ''; this.$thumbnails.css( css ); this.$thumbnails.off( this.transitionEvent ); this.thumbnailsPosition = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? parseInt( matrixArray[ 4 ] , 10 ) : parseInt( matrixArray[ 5 ] , 10 ); } else { this.$thumbnails.stop(); this.thumbnailsPosition = parseInt( this.$thumbnails.css( 'margin-' + this.thumbnailsPositionProperty ), 10 ); } this.$thumbnails.removeClass( 'sp-animated' ); }, // Destroy the module destroyThumbnails: function() { var that = this; // Remove event listeners this.off( 'update.' + NS ); if ( this.isThumbnailScroller === false ) { return; } this.off( 'sliderResize.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); $( window ).off( 'resize.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS ); // Destroy the individual thumbnails this.$thumbnails.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).each( function() { var $thumbnail = $( this ), index = parseInt( $thumbnail.attr( 'data-index' ), 10 ), thumbnail = that.thumbnails[ index ]; thumbnail.off( 'thumbnailClick.' + NS ); thumbnail.destroy(); }); this.thumbnails.length = 0; // Add the thumbnail scroller directly in the slider and // remove the thumbnail scroller container this.$thumbnails.appendTo( this.$slider ); this.$thumbnailsContainer.remove(); // Remove any created padding this.$slider.css({ 'paddingTop': '', 'paddingLeft': '', 'paddingRight': '' }); }, thumbnailsDefaults: { // Sets the width of the thumbnail thumbnailWidth: 100, // Sets the height of the thumbnail thumbnailHeight: 80, // Sets the position of the thumbnail scroller (top, bottom, right, left) thumbnailsPosition: 'bottom', // Indicates if a pointer will be displayed for the selected thumbnail thumbnailPointer: false, // Called when the thumbnails are updated thumbnailsUpdate: function() {}, // Called when a new thumbnail is selected gotoThumbnail: function() {}, // Called when the thumbnail scroller has moved thumbnailsMoveComplete: function() {} } }; var Thumbnail = function( thumbnail, thumbnails, index ) { // Reference to the thumbnail jQuery element this.$thumbnail = thumbnail; // Reference to the thumbnail scroller this.$thumbnails = thumbnails; // Reference to the thumbnail's container, which will be // created dynamically. this.$thumbnailContainer = null; // The width and height of the thumbnail this.width = 0; this.height = 0; // Indicates whether the thumbnail's image is loaded this.isImageLoaded = false; // Set the index of the slide this.setIndex( index ); // Initialize the thumbnail this._init(); }; Thumbnail.prototype = { _init: function() { var that = this; // Mark the thumbnail as initialized this.$thumbnail.attr( 'data-init', true ); // Create a container for the thumbnail and add the original thumbnail to this container. // Having a container will help crop the thumbnail image if it's too large. this.$thumbnailContainer = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$thumbnails ); if ( this.$thumbnail.parent( 'a' ).length !== 0 ) { this.$thumbnail.parent( 'a' ).appendTo( this.$thumbnailContainer ); } else { this.$thumbnail.appendTo( this.$thumbnailContainer ); } // When the thumbnail container is clicked, fire an event this.$thumbnailContainer.on( 'click.' + NS, function() { that.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailClick.' + NS, index: that.index }); }); }, // Set the width and height of the thumbnail setSize: function( width, height ) { this.width = width; this.height = height; // Apply the width and height to the thumbnail's container this.$thumbnailContainer.css({ 'width': this.width, 'height': this.height }); // If there is an image, resize it to fit the thumbnail container if ( this.$thumbnail.is( 'img' ) && typeof this.$thumbnail.attr( 'data-src' ) === 'undefined' ) { this.resizeImage(); } }, // Return the width and height of the thumbnail getSize: function() { return { width: this.$thumbnailContainer.outerWidth( true ), height: this.$thumbnailContainer.outerHeight( true ) }; }, // Return the top, bottom, left and right position of the thumbnail getPosition: function() { return { left: this.$thumbnailContainer.position().left + parseInt( this.$thumbnailContainer.css( 'marginLeft' ) , 10 ), right: this.$thumbnailContainer.position().left + parseInt( this.$thumbnailContainer.css( 'marginLeft' ) , 10 ) + this.$thumbnailContainer.outerWidth(), top: this.$thumbnailContainer.position().top + parseInt( this.$thumbnailContainer.css( 'marginTop' ) , 10 ), bottom: this.$thumbnailContainer.position().top + parseInt( this.$thumbnailContainer.css( 'marginTop' ) , 10 ) + this.$thumbnailContainer.outerHeight() }; }, // Set the index of the thumbnail setIndex: function( index ) { this.index = index; this.$thumbnail.attr( 'data-index', this.index ); }, // Resize the thumbnail's image resizeImage: function() { var that = this; // If the image is not loaded yet, load it if ( this.isImageLoaded === false ) { SliderProUtils.checkImagesComplete( this.$thumbnailContainer , function() { that.isImageLoaded = true; that.resizeImage(); }); return; } // Get the reference to the thumbnail image again because it was replaced by // another img element during the loading process this.$thumbnail = this.$thumbnailContainer.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ); // Calculate whether the image should stretch horizontally or vertically var imageWidth = this.$thumbnail.width(), imageHeight = this.$thumbnail.height(); if ( imageWidth / imageHeight <= this.width / this.height ) { this.$thumbnail.css({ width: '100%', height: 'auto' }); } else { this.$thumbnail.css({ width: 'auto', height: '100%' }); } this.$thumbnail.css({ 'marginLeft': ( this.$thumbnailContainer.width() - this.$thumbnail.width() ) * 0.5, 'marginTop': ( this.$thumbnailContainer.height() - this.$thumbnail.height() ) * 0.5 }); }, // Destroy the thumbnail destroy: function() { this.$thumbnailContainer.off( 'click.' + NS ); // Remove added attributes this.$thumbnail.removeAttr( 'data-init' ); this.$thumbnail.removeAttr( 'data-index' ); // Remove the thumbnail's container and add the thumbnail // back to the thumbnail scroller container if ( this.$thumbnail.parent( 'a' ).length !== 0 ) { this.$thumbnail.parent( 'a' ).insertBefore( this.$thumbnailContainer ); } else { this.$thumbnail.insertBefore( this.$thumbnailContainer ); } this.$thumbnailContainer.remove(); }, // Attach an event handler to the slide on: function( type, callback ) { return this.$thumbnailContainer.on( type, callback ); }, // Detach an event handler to the slide off: function( type ) { return this.$thumbnailContainer.off( type ); }, // Trigger an event on the slide trigger: function( data ) { return this.$thumbnailContainer.triggerHandler( data ); } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Thumbnails', Thumbnails ); })( window, jQuery ); // ConditionalImages module for Slider Pro. // // Adds the possibility to specify multiple sources for each image and // load the image that's the most appropriate for the size of the slider. // For example, instead of loading a large image even if the slider will be small // you can specify a smaller image that will be loaded instead. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'ConditionalImages.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var ConditionalImages = { // Reference to the previous size previousImageSize: null, // Reference to the current size currentImageSize: null, // Indicates if the current display supports high PPI isRetinaScreen: false, initConditionalImages: function() { this.currentImageSize = this.previousImageSize = 'default'; this.isRetinaScreen = ( typeof this._isRetina !== 'undefined' ) && ( this._isRetina() === true ); this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._conditionalImagesOnUpdate, this ) ); this.on( 'sliderResize.' + NS, $.proxy( this._conditionalImagesOnResize, this ) ); }, // Loop through all the existing images and specify the original path of the image // inside the 'data-default' attribute. _conditionalImagesOnUpdate: function() { $.each( this.slides, function( index, element ) { var $slide = element.$slide; $slide.find( 'img:not([ data-default ])' ).each(function() { var $image = $( this ); if ( typeof $image.attr( 'data-src' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $image.attr( 'data-default', $image.attr( 'data-src' ) ); } else { $image.attr( 'data-default', $image.attr( 'src' ) ); } }); }); }, // When the window resizes, identify the applyable image size based on the current size of the slider // and apply it to all images that have a version of the image specified for this size. _conditionalImagesOnResize: function() { if ( this.slideWidth <= this.settings.smallSize ) { this.currentImageSize = 'small'; } else if ( this.slideWidth <= this.settings.mediumSize ) { this.currentImageSize = 'medium'; } else if ( this.slideWidth <= this.settings.largeSize ) { this.currentImageSize = 'large'; } else { this.currentImageSize = 'default'; } if ( this.previousImageSize !== this.currentImageSize ) { var that = this; $.each( this.slides, function( index, element ) { var $slide = element.$slide; $slide.find( 'img' ).each(function() { var $image = $( this ), imageSource = ''; // Check if the current display supports high PPI and if a retina version of the current size was specified if ( that.isRetinaScreen === true && typeof $image.attr( 'data-retina' + that.currentImageSize ) !== 'undefined' ) { imageSource = $image.attr( 'data-retina' + that.currentImageSize ); // If the retina image was not loaded yet, replace the default image source with the one // that corresponds to the current slider size if ( typeof $image.attr( 'data-retina' ) !== 'undefined' && $image.attr( 'data-retina' ) !== imageSource ) { $image.attr( 'data-retina', imageSource ); } } else if ( ( that.isRetinaScreen === false || that.isRetinaScreen === true && typeof $image.attr( 'data-retina' ) === 'undefined' ) && typeof $image.attr( 'data-' + that.currentImageSize ) !== 'undefined' ) { imageSource = $image.attr( 'data-' + that.currentImageSize ); // If the image is set to lazy load, replace the image source with the one // that corresponds to the current slider size if ( typeof $image.attr( 'data-src' ) !== 'undefined' && $image.attr( 'data-src' ) !== imageSource ) { $image.attr( 'data-src', imageSource ); } } // If a new image was found if ( imageSource !== '' ) { // The existence of the 'data-src' attribute indicates that the image // will be lazy loaded, so don't load the new image yet if ( typeof $image.attr( 'data-src' ) === 'undefined' && $image.attr( 'src' ) !== imageSource ) { that._loadConditionalImage( $image, imageSource, function( newImage ) { if ( newImage.hasClass( 'sp-image' ) ) { element.$mainImage = newImage; element.resizeMainImage( true ); } }); } } }); }); this.previousImageSize = this.currentImageSize; } }, // Replace the target image with a new image _loadConditionalImage: function( image, source, callback ) { // Create a new image element var newImage = $( new Image() ); // Copy the class(es) and inline style newImage.attr( 'class', image.attr( 'class' ) ); newImage.attr( 'style', image.attr( 'style' ) ); // Copy the data attributes $.each( image.data(), function( name, value ) { newImage.attr( 'data-' + name, value ); }); // Copy the width and height attributes if they exist if ( typeof image.attr( 'width' ) !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr( 'width', image.attr( 'width' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'height' ) !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr( 'height', image.attr( 'height' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'alt' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'alt', image.attr( 'alt' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'title' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'title', image.attr( 'title' ) ); } newImage.attr( 'src', source ); // Add the new image in the same container and remove the older image newImage.insertAfter( image ); image.remove(); image = null; if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback( newImage ); } }, // Destroy the module destroyConditionalImages: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'sliderResize.' + NS ); }, conditionalImagesDefaults: { // If the slider size is below this size, the small version of the images will be used smallSize: 480, // If the slider size is below this size, the small version of the images will be used mediumSize: 768, // If the slider size is below this size, the small version of the images will be used largeSize: 1024 } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'ConditionalImages', ConditionalImages ); })( window, jQuery ); // Retina module for Slider Pro. // // Adds the possibility to load a different image when the slider is // viewed on a retina screen. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Retina.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Retina = { initRetina: function() { var that = this; // Return if it's not a retina screen if ( this._isRetina() === false ) { return; } this.on( 'sliderResize.' + NS, $.proxy( this._checkRetinaImages, this ) ); if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).length !== 0 ) { this.on( 'update.Thumbnails.' + NS, $.proxy( this._checkRetinaThumbnailImages, this ) ); } }, // Checks if the current display supports high PPI _isRetina: function() { if ( window.devicePixelRatio >= 2 ) { return true; } if ( window.matchMedia && ( window.matchMedia( "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min-resolution: 2dppx)" ).matches ) ) { return true; } return false; }, // Loop through the slides and replace the images with their retina version _checkRetinaImages: function() { var that = this; $.each( this.slides, function( index, element ) { var $slide = element.$slide; if ( typeof $slide.attr( 'data-retina-loaded' ) === 'undefined' ) { $slide.attr( 'data-retina-loaded', true ); $slide.find( 'img[data-retina]' ).each(function() { var $image = $( this ); if ( typeof $image.attr( 'data-src' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $image.attr( 'data-src', $image.attr( 'data-retina' ) ); } else { that._loadRetinaImage( $image, function( newImage ) { if ( newImage.hasClass( 'sp-image' ) ) { element.$mainImage = newImage; element.resizeMainImage( true ); } }); } }); } }); }, // Loop through the thumbnails and replace the images with their retina version _checkRetinaThumbnailImages: function() { var that = this; $.each( this.thumbnails, function( index, element ) { var $thumbnail = element.$thumbnailContainer; if ( typeof $thumbnail.attr( 'data-retina-loaded' ) === 'undefined' ) { $thumbnail.attr( 'data-retina-loaded', true ); $thumbnail.find( 'img[data-retina]' ).each(function() { var $image = $( this ); if ( typeof $image.attr( 'data-src' ) !== 'undefined' ) { $image.attr( 'data-src', $image.attr( 'data-retina' ) ); } else { that._loadRetinaImage( $image, function( newImage ) { if ( newImage.hasClass( 'sp-thumbnail' ) ) { element.resizeImage(); } }); } }); } }); }, // Load the retina image _loadRetinaImage: function( image, callback ) { var retinaFound = false, newImagePath = ''; // Check if there is a retina image specified if ( typeof image.attr( 'data-retina' ) !== 'undefined' ) { retinaFound = true; newImagePath = image.attr( 'data-retina' ); } // Check if there is a lazy loaded, non-retina, image specified if ( typeof image.attr( 'data-src' ) !== 'undefined' ) { if ( retinaFound === false ) { newImagePath = image.attr( 'data-src') ; } image.removeAttr('data-src'); } // Return if there isn't a retina or lazy loaded image if ( newImagePath === '' ) { return; } // Create a new image element var newImage = $( new Image() ); // Copy the class(es) and inline style newImage.attr( 'class', image.attr('class') ); newImage.attr( 'style', image.attr('style') ); // Copy the data attributes $.each( image.data(), function( name, value ) { newImage.attr( 'data-' + name, value ); }); // Copy the width and height attributes if they exist if ( typeof image.attr( 'width' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'width', image.attr( 'width' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'height' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'height', image.attr( 'height' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'alt' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'alt', image.attr( 'alt' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'title' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'title', image.attr( 'title' ) ); } // Add the new image in the same container and remove the older image newImage.insertAfter( image ); image.remove(); image = null; // Assign the source of the image newImage.attr( 'src', newImagePath ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback( newImage ); } }, // Destroy the module destroyRetina: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'update.Thumbnails.' + NS ); } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Retina', Retina ); })( window, jQuery ); // Lazy Loading module for Slider Pro. // // Adds the possibility to delay the loading of the images until the slides/thumbnails // that contain them become visible. This technique improves the initial loading // performance. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'LazyLoading.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var LazyLoading = { allowLazyLoadingCheck: true, initLazyLoading: function() { var that = this; // The 'resize' event is fired after every update, so it's possible to use it for checking // if the update made new slides become visible // // Also, resizing the slider might make new slides or thumbnails visible this.on( 'sliderResize.' + NS, $.proxy( this._lazyLoadingOnResize, this ) ); // Check visible images when a new slide is selected this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, $.proxy( this._checkAndLoadVisibleImages, this ) ); // Check visible thumbnail images when the thumbnails are updated because new thumbnail // might have been added or the settings might have been changed so that more thumbnail // images become visible // // Also, check visible thumbnail images after the thumbnails have moved because new thumbnails might // have become visible this.on( 'thumbnailsUpdate.' + NS + ' ' + 'thumbnailsMoveComplete.' + NS, $.proxy( this._checkAndLoadVisibleThumbnailImages, this ) ); }, _lazyLoadingOnResize: function() { var that = this; if ( this.allowLazyLoadingCheck === false ) { return; } this.allowLazyLoadingCheck = false; this._checkAndLoadVisibleImages(); if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-thumbnail' ).length !== 0 ) { this._checkAndLoadVisibleThumbnailImages(); } // Use a timer to deffer the loading of images in order to prevent too many // checking attempts setTimeout(function() { that.allowLazyLoadingCheck = true; }, 500 ); }, // Check visible slides and load their images _checkAndLoadVisibleImages: function() { if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-slide:not([ data-loaded ])' ).length === 0 ) { return; } var that = this, // Use either the middle position or the index of the selected slide as a reference, depending on // whether the slider is loopable referencePosition = this.settings.loop === true ? this.middleSlidePosition : this.selectedSlideIndex, // Calculate how many slides are visible at the sides of the selected slide visibleOnSides = Math.ceil( ( parseInt( this.$slidesMask.css( this.sizeProperty ), 10) - this.averageSlideSize ) / 2 / this.averageSlideSize ), // Calculate the indexes of the first and last slide that will be checked from = this.settings.centerSelectedSlide === true ? Math.max( referencePosition - visibleOnSides - 1, 0 ) : Math.max( referencePosition - 1, 0 ), to = this.settings.centerSelectedSlide === true ? Math.min( referencePosition + visibleOnSides + 1, this.getTotalSlides() - 1 ) : Math.min( referencePosition + visibleOnSides * 2 + 1, this.getTotalSlides() - 1 ), // Get all the slides that need to be checked slidesToCheck = this.slidesOrder.slice( from, to + 1 ); // Loop through the selected slides and if the slide is not marked as having // been loaded yet, loop through its images and load them. $.each( slidesToCheck, function( index, element ) { var slide = that.slides[ element ], $slide = slide.$slide; if ( typeof $slide.attr( 'data-loaded' ) === 'undefined' ) { $slide.attr( 'data-loaded', true ); $slide.find( 'img[ data-src ]' ).each(function() { var image = $( this ); that._loadImage( image, function( newImage ) { if ( newImage.hasClass( 'sp-image' ) ) { slide.$mainImage = newImage; slide.resizeMainImage( true ); } }); }); } }); }, // Check visible thumbnails and load their images _checkAndLoadVisibleThumbnailImages: function() { if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-thumbnail-container:not([ data-loaded ])' ).length === 0 ) { return; } var that = this, thumbnailSize = this.thumbnailsSize / this.thumbnails.length, // Calculate the indexes of the first and last thumbnail that will be checked from = Math.floor( Math.abs( this.thumbnailsPosition / thumbnailSize ) ), to = Math.floor( ( - this.thumbnailsPosition + this.thumbnailsContainerSize ) / thumbnailSize ), // Get all the thumbnails that need to be checked thumbnailsToCheck = this.thumbnails.slice( from, to + 1 ); // Loop through the selected thumbnails and if the thumbnail is not marked as having // been loaded yet, load its image. $.each( thumbnailsToCheck, function( index, element ) { var $thumbnailContainer = element.$thumbnailContainer; if ( typeof $thumbnailContainer.attr( 'data-loaded' ) === 'undefined' ) { $thumbnailContainer.attr( 'data-loaded', true ); $thumbnailContainer.find( 'img[ data-src ]' ).each(function() { var image = $( this ); that._loadImage( image, function() { element.resizeImage(); }); }); } }); }, // Load an image _loadImage: function( image, callback ) { // Create a new image element var newImage = $( new Image() ); // Copy the class(es) and inline style newImage.attr( 'class', image.attr( 'class' ) ); newImage.attr( 'style', image.attr( 'style' ) ); // Copy the data attributes $.each( image.data(), function( name, value ) { newImage.attr( 'data-' + name, value ); }); // Copy the width and height attributes if they exist if ( typeof image.attr( 'width' ) !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr( 'width', image.attr( 'width' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'height' ) !== 'undefined') { newImage.attr( 'height', image.attr( 'height' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'alt' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'alt', image.attr( 'alt' ) ); } if ( typeof image.attr( 'title' ) !== 'undefined' ) { newImage.attr( 'title', image.attr( 'title' ) ); } // Assign the source of the image newImage.attr( 'src', image.attr( 'data-src' ) ); newImage.removeAttr( 'data-src' ); // Add the new image in the same container and remove the older image newImage.insertAfter( image ); image.remove(); image = null; if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback( newImage ); } }, // Destroy the module destroyLazyLoading: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); this.off( 'sliderResize.' + NS ); this.off( 'thumbnailsUpdate.' + NS ); this.off( 'thumbnailsMoveComplete.' + NS ); } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'LazyLoading', LazyLoading ); })( window, jQuery ); // Layers module for Slider Pro. // // Adds support for animated and static layers. The layers can contain any content, // from simple text for video elements. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Layers.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Layers = { // Reference to the original 'gotoSlide' method layersGotoSlideReference: null, // Reference to the timer that will delay the overriding // of the 'gotoSlide' method waitForLayersTimer: null, initLayers: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._layersOnUpdate, this ) ); this.on( 'sliderResize.' + NS, $.proxy( this._layersOnResize, this ) ); this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, $.proxy( this._layersOnGotoSlide, this ) ); }, // Loop through the slides and initialize all layers _layersOnUpdate: function( event ) { var that = this; $.each( this.slides, function( index, element ) { var $slide = element.$slide; // Initialize the layers this.$slide.find( '.sp-layer:not([ data-layer-init ])' ).each(function() { var layer = new Layer( $( this ) ); // Add the 'layers' array to the slide objects (instance of SliderProSlide) if ( typeof element.layers === 'undefined' ) { element.layers = []; } element.layers.push( layer ); if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'sp-static' ) === false ) { // Add the 'animatedLayers' array to the slide objects (instance of SliderProSlide) if ( typeof element.animatedLayers === 'undefined' ) { element.animatedLayers = []; } element.animatedLayers.push( layer ); } }); }); // If the 'waitForLayers' option is enabled, the slider will not move to another slide // until all the layers from the previous slide will be hidden. To achieve this, // replace the current 'gotoSlide' function with another function that will include the // required functionality. // // Since the 'gotoSlide' method might be overridden by other modules as well, delay this // override to make sure it's the last override. if ( this.settings.waitForLayers === true ) { clearTimeout( this.waitForLayersTimer ); this.waitForLayersTimer = setTimeout(function() { that.layersGotoSlideReference = that.gotoSlide; that.gotoSlide = that._layersGotoSlide; }, 1 ); } // Show the layers for the initial slide // Delay the call in order to make sure the layers // are scaled properly before displaying them setTimeout(function() { that.showLayers( that.selectedSlideIndex ); }, 1); }, // When the slider resizes, try to scale down the layers proportionally. The automatic scaling // will make use of an option, 'autoScaleReference', by comparing the current width of the slider // with the reference width. So, if the reference width is 1000 pixels and the current width is // 500 pixels, it means that the layers will be scaled down to 50% of their size. _layersOnResize: function() { var that = this, autoScaleReference, useAutoScale = this.settings.autoScaleLayers, scaleRatio; if ( this.settings.autoScaleLayers === false ) { return; } // If there isn't a reference for how the layers should scale down automatically, use the 'width' // option as a reference, unless the width was set to a percentage. If there isn't a set reference and // the width was set to a percentage, auto scaling will not be used because it's not possible to // calculate how much should the layers scale. if ( this.settings.autoScaleReference === -1 ) { if ( typeof this.settings.width === 'string' && this.settings.width.indexOf( '%' ) !== -1 ) { useAutoScale = false; } else { autoScaleReference = parseInt( this.settings.width, 10 ); } } else { autoScaleReference = this.settings.autoScaleReference; } if ( useAutoScale === true && this.slideWidth < autoScaleReference ) { scaleRatio = that.slideWidth / autoScaleReference; } else { scaleRatio = 1; } $.each( this.slides, function( index, slide ) { if ( typeof slide.layers !== 'undefined' ) { $.each( slide.layers, function( index, layer ) { layer.scale( scaleRatio ); }); } }); }, // Replace the 'gotoSlide' method with this one, which makes it possible to // change the slide only after the layers from the previous slide are hidden. _layersGotoSlide: function( index ) { var that = this, animatedLayers = this.slides[ this.selectedSlideIndex ].animatedLayers; // If the slider is dragged, don't wait for the layer to hide if ( this.$slider.hasClass( 'sp-swiping' ) || typeof animatedLayers === 'undefined' || animatedLayers.length === 0 ) { this.layersGotoSlideReference( index ); } else { this.on( 'hideLayersComplete.' + NS, function() { that.off( 'hideLayersComplete.' + NS ); that.layersGotoSlideReference( index ); }); this.hideLayers( this.selectedSlideIndex ); } }, // When a new slide is selected, hide the layers from the previous slide // and show the layers from the current slide. _layersOnGotoSlide: function( event ) { if ( this.previousSlideIndex !== this.selectedSlideIndex ) { this.hideLayers( this.previousSlideIndex ); } this.showLayers( this.selectedSlideIndex ); }, // Show the animated layers from the slide at the specified index, // and fire an event when all the layers from the slide become visible. showLayers: function( index ) { var that = this, animatedLayers = this.slides[ index ].animatedLayers, layerCounter = 0; if ( typeof animatedLayers === 'undefined' ) { return; } $.each( animatedLayers, function( index, element ) { // If the layer is already visible, increment the counter directly, else wait // for the layer's showing animation to complete. if ( element.isVisible() === true ) { layerCounter++; if ( layerCounter === animatedLayers.length ) { that.trigger({ type: 'showLayersComplete', index: index }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.showLayersComplete ) ) { that.settings.showLayersComplete.call( that, { type: 'showLayersComplete', index: index }); } } } else { element.show(function() { layerCounter++; if ( layerCounter === animatedLayers.length ) { that.trigger({ type: 'showLayersComplete', index: index }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.showLayersComplete ) ) { that.settings.showLayersComplete.call( that, { type: 'showLayersComplete', index: index }); } } }); } }); }, // Hide the animated layers from the slide at the specified index, // and fire an event when all the layers from the slide become invisible. hideLayers: function( index ) { var that = this, animatedLayers = this.slides[ index ].animatedLayers, layerCounter = 0; if ( typeof animatedLayers === 'undefined' ) { return; } $.each( animatedLayers, function( index, element ) { // If the layer is already invisible, increment the counter directly, else wait // for the layer's hiding animation to complete. if ( element.isVisible() === false ) { layerCounter++; if ( layerCounter === animatedLayers.length ) { that.trigger({ type: 'hideLayersComplete', index: index }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.hideLayersComplete ) ) { that.settings.hideLayersComplete.call( that, { type: 'hideLayersComplete', index: index }); } } } else { element.hide(function() { layerCounter++; if ( layerCounter === animatedLayers.length ) { that.trigger({ type: 'hideLayersComplete', index: index }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.hideLayersComplete ) ) { that.settings.hideLayersComplete.call( that, { type: 'hideLayersComplete', index: index }); } } }); } }); }, // Destroy the module destroyLayers: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'sliderResize.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); this.off( 'hideLayersComplete.' + NS ); }, layersDefaults: { // Indicates whether the slider will wait for the layers to disappear before // going to a new slide waitForLayers: false, // Indicates whether the layers will be scaled automatically autoScaleLayers: true, // Sets a reference width which will be compared to the current slider width // in order to determine how much the layers need to scale down. By default, // the reference width will be equal to the slide width. However, if the slide width // is set to a percentage value, then it's necessary to set a specific value for 'autoScaleReference'. autoScaleReference: -1, // Called when all animated layers become visible showLayersComplete: function() {}, // Called when all animated layers become invisible hideLayersComplete: function() {} } }; // Override the slide's 'destroy' method in order to destroy the // layers that where added to the slide as well. var slideDestroy = window.SliderProSlide.prototype.destroy; window.SliderProSlide.prototype.destroy = function() { if ( typeof this.layers !== 'undefined' ) { $.each( this.layers, function( index, element ) { element.destroy(); }); this.layers.length = 0; } if ( typeof this.animatedLayers !== 'undefined' ) { this.animatedLayers.length = 0; } slideDestroy.apply( this ); }; var Layer = function( layer ) { // Reference to the layer jQuery element this.$layer = layer; // Indicates whether a layer is currently visible or hidden this.visible = false; // Indicates whether the layer was styled this.styled = false; // Holds the data attributes added to the layer this.data = null; // Indicates the layer's reference point (topLeft, bottomLeft, topRight or bottomRight) this.position = null; // Indicates which CSS property (left or right) will be used for positioning the layer this.horizontalProperty = null; // Indicates which CSS property (top or bottom) will be used for positioning the layer this.verticalProperty = null; // Indicates the value of the horizontal position this.horizontalPosition = null; // Indicates the value of the vertical position this.verticalPosition = null; // Indicates how much the layers needs to be scaled this.scaleRatio = 1; // Indicates the type of supported transition (CSS3 2D, CSS3 3D or JavaScript) this.supportedAnimation = SliderProUtils.getSupportedAnimation(); // Indicates the required vendor prefix for CSS (i.e., -webkit, -moz, etc.) this.vendorPrefix = SliderProUtils.getVendorPrefix(); // Indicates the name of the CSS transition's complete event (i.e., transitionend, webkitTransitionEnd, etc.) this.transitionEvent = SliderProUtils.getTransitionEvent(); // Reference to the timer that will be used to hide/show the layers this.delayTimer = null; // Reference to the timer that will be used to hide the layers automatically after a given time interval this.stayTimer = null; this._init(); }; Layer.prototype = { // Initialize the layers _init: function() { this.$layer.attr( 'data-layer-init', true ); if ( this.$layer.hasClass( 'sp-static' ) ) { this._setStyle(); } else { this.$layer.css({ 'visibility': 'hidden' }); } }, // Set the size and position of the layer _setStyle: function() { this.styled = true; // Get the data attributes specified in HTML this.data = this.$layer.data(); if ( typeof this.data.width !== 'undefined' ) { this.$layer.css( 'width', this.data.width ); } if ( typeof this.data.height !== 'undefined' ) { this.$layer.css( 'height', this.data.height ); } if ( typeof this.data.depth !== 'undefined' ) { this.$layer.css( 'z-index', this.data.depth ); } this.position = this.data.position ? ( this.data.position ).toLowerCase() : 'topleft'; if ( this.position.indexOf( 'right' ) !== -1 ) { this.horizontalProperty = 'right'; } else if ( this.position.indexOf( 'left' ) !== -1 ) { this.horizontalProperty = 'left'; } else { this.horizontalProperty = 'center'; } if ( this.position.indexOf( 'bottom' ) !== -1 ) { this.verticalProperty = 'bottom'; } else if ( this.position.indexOf( 'top' ) !== -1 ) { this.verticalProperty = 'top'; } else { this.verticalProperty = 'center'; } this._setPosition(); this.scale( this.scaleRatio ); }, // Set the position of the layer _setPosition: function() { var inlineStyle = this.$layer.attr( 'style' ); this.horizontalPosition = typeof this.data.horizontal !== 'undefined' ? this.data.horizontal : 0; this.verticalPosition = typeof this.data.vertical !== 'undefined' ? this.data.vertical : 0; // Set the horizontal position of the layer based on the data set if ( this.horizontalProperty === 'center' ) { // prevent content wrapping while setting the width if ( this.$layer.is( 'img' ) === false && ( typeof inlineStyle === 'undefined' || ( typeof inlineStyle !== 'undefined' && inlineStyle.indexOf( 'width' ) === -1 ) ) ) { this.$layer.css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' ); this.$layer.css( 'width', this.$layer.outerWidth( true ) ); } this.$layer.css({ 'marginLeft': 'auto', 'marginRight': 'auto', 'left': this.horizontalPosition, 'right': 0 }); } else { this.$layer.css( this.horizontalProperty, this.horizontalPosition ); } // Set the vertical position of the layer based on the data set if ( this.verticalProperty === 'center' ) { // prevent content wrapping while setting the height if ( this.$layer.is( 'img' ) === false && ( typeof inlineStyle === 'undefined' || ( typeof inlineStyle !== 'undefined' && inlineStyle.indexOf( 'height' ) === -1 ) ) ) { this.$layer.css( 'white-space', 'nowrap' ); this.$layer.css( 'height', this.$layer.outerHeight( true ) ); } this.$layer.css({ 'marginTop': 'auto', 'marginBottom': 'auto', 'top': this.verticalPosition, 'bottom': 0 }); } else { this.$layer.css( this.verticalProperty, this.verticalPosition ); } }, // Scale the layer scale: function( ratio ) { // Return if the layer is set to be unscalable if ( this.$layer.hasClass( 'sp-no-scale' ) ) { return; } // Store the ratio (even if the layer is not ready to be scaled yet) this.scaleRatio = ratio; // Return if the layer is not styled yet if ( this.styled === false ) { return; } var horizontalProperty = this.horizontalProperty === 'center' ? 'left' : this.horizontalProperty, verticalProperty = this.verticalProperty === 'center' ? 'top' : this.verticalProperty, css = {}; // Apply the scaling css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform-origin' ] = this.horizontalProperty + ' ' + this.verticalProperty; css[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'scale(' + this.scaleRatio + ')'; // If the position is not set to a percentage value, apply the scaling to the position if ( typeof this.horizontalPosition !== 'string' ) { css[ horizontalProperty ] = this.horizontalPosition * this.scaleRatio; } // If the position is not set to a percentage value, apply the scaling to the position if ( typeof this.verticalPosition !== 'string' ) { css[ verticalProperty ] = this.verticalPosition * this.scaleRatio; } // If the width or height is set to a percentage value, increase the percentage in order to // maintain the same layer to slide proportions. This is necessary because otherwise the scaling // transform would minimize the layers more than intended. if ( typeof this.data.width === 'string' && this.data.width.indexOf( '%' ) !== -1 ) { css.width = ( parseInt( this.data.width, 10 ) / this.scaleRatio ).toString() + '%'; } if ( typeof this.data.height === 'string' && this.data.height.indexOf( '%' ) !== -1 ) { css.height = ( parseInt( this.data.height, 10 ) / this.scaleRatio ).toString() + '%'; } this.$layer.css( css ); }, // Show the layer show: function( callback ) { if ( this.visible === true ) { return; } this.visible = true; // First, style the layer if it's not already styled if ( this.styled === false ) { this._setStyle(); } var that = this, offset = typeof this.data.showOffset !== 'undefined' ? this.data.showOffset : 50, duration = typeof this.data.showDuration !== 'undefined' ? this.data.showDuration / 1000 : 0.4, delay = typeof this.data.showDelay !== 'undefined' ? this.data.showDelay : 10, stayDuration = typeof that.data.stayDuration !== 'undefined' ? parseInt( that.data.stayDuration, 10 ) : -1; // Animate the layers with CSS3 or with JavaScript if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'javascript' ) { this.$layer .stop() .delay( delay ) .css({ 'opacity': 0, 'visibility': 'visible' }) .animate( { 'opacity': 1 }, duration * 1000, function() { // Hide the layer after a given time interval if ( stayDuration !== -1 ) { that.stayTimer = setTimeout(function() { that.hide(); that.stayTimer = null; }, stayDuration ); } if ( typeof callback !== 'undefined' ) { callback(); } }); } else { var start = { 'opacity': 0, 'visibility': 'visible' }, target = { 'opacity': 1 }, transformValues = ''; start[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'scale(' + this.scaleRatio + ')'; target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'scale(' + this.scaleRatio + ')'; target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = 'opacity ' + duration + 's'; if ( typeof this.data.showTransition !== 'undefined' ) { if ( this.data.showTransition === 'left' ) { transformValues = offset + 'px, 0'; } else if ( this.data.showTransition === 'right' ) { transformValues = '-' + offset + 'px, 0'; } else if ( this.data.showTransition === 'up' ) { transformValues = '0, ' + offset + 'px'; } else if ( this.data.showTransition === 'down') { transformValues = '0, -' + offset + 'px'; } start[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] += this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' ? ' translate3d(' + transformValues + ', 0)' : ' translate(' + transformValues + ')'; target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] += this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' ? ' translate3d(0, 0, 0)' : ' translate(0, 0)'; target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] += ', ' + this.vendorPrefix + 'transform ' + duration + 's'; } // Listen when the layer animation is complete this.$layer.on( this.transitionEvent, function( event ) { if ( event.target !== event.currentTarget ) { return; } that.$layer .off( that.transitionEvent ) .css( that.vendorPrefix + 'transition', '' ); // Hide the layer after a given time interval if ( stayDuration !== -1 ) { that.stayTimer = setTimeout(function() { that.hide(); that.stayTimer = null; }, stayDuration ); } if ( typeof callback !== 'undefined' ) { callback(); } }); this.$layer.css( start ); this.delayTimer = setTimeout( function() { that.$layer.css( target ); }, delay ); } }, // Hide the layer hide: function( callback ) { if ( this.visible === false ) { return; } var that = this, offset = typeof this.data.hideOffset !== 'undefined' ? this.data.hideOffset : 50, duration = typeof this.data.hideDuration !== 'undefined' ? this.data.hideDuration / 1000 : 0.4, delay = typeof this.data.hideDelay !== 'undefined' ? this.data.hideDelay : 10; this.visible = false; // If the layer is hidden before it hides automatically, clear the timer if ( this.stayTimer !== null ) { clearTimeout( this.stayTimer ); } // Animate the layers with CSS3 or with JavaScript if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'javascript' ) { this.$layer .stop() .delay( delay ) .animate({ 'opacity': 0 }, duration * 1000, function() { $( this ).css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); if ( typeof callback !== 'undefined' ) { callback(); } }); } else { var transformValues = '', target = { 'opacity': 0 }; target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] = 'scale(' + this.scaleRatio + ')'; target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = 'opacity ' + duration + 's'; if ( typeof this.data.hideTransition !== 'undefined' ) { if ( this.data.hideTransition === 'left' ) { transformValues = '-' + offset + 'px, 0'; } else if ( this.data.hideTransition === 'right' ) { transformValues = offset + 'px, 0'; } else if ( this.data.hideTransition === 'up' ) { transformValues = '0, -' + offset + 'px'; } else if ( this.data.hideTransition === 'down' ) { transformValues = '0, ' + offset + 'px'; } target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transform' ] += this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' ? ' translate3d(' + transformValues + ', 0)' : ' translate(' + transformValues + ')'; target[ this.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] += ', ' + this.vendorPrefix + 'transform ' + duration + 's'; } // Listen when the layer animation is complete this.$layer.on( this.transitionEvent, function( event ) { if ( event.target !== event.currentTarget ) { return; } that.$layer .off( that.transitionEvent ) .css( that.vendorPrefix + 'transition', '' ); // Hide the layer after transition if ( that.visible === false ) { that.$layer.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' ); } if ( typeof callback !== 'undefined' ) { callback(); } }); this.delayTimer = setTimeout( function() { that.$layer.css( target ); }, delay ); } }, isVisible: function() { if ( this.visible === false || this.$layer.is( ':hidden' ) ) { return false; } return true; }, // Destroy the layer destroy: function() { this.$layer.removeAttr( 'style' ); this.$layer.removeAttr( 'data-layer-init' ); clearTimeout( this.delayTimer ); clearTimeout( this.stayTimer ); this.delayTimer = null; this.stayTimer = null; } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Layers', Layers ); })( window, jQuery ); // Fade module for Slider Pro. // // Adds the possibility to navigate through slides using a cross-fade effect. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Fade.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Fade = { // Reference to the original 'gotoSlide' method fadeGotoSlideReference: null, initFade: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._fadeOnUpdate, this ) ); }, // If fade is enabled, store a reference to the original 'gotoSlide' method // and then assign a new function to 'gotoSlide'. _fadeOnUpdate: function() { if ( this.settings.fade === true ) { this.fadeGotoSlideReference = this.gotoSlide; this.gotoSlide = this._fadeGotoSlide; } }, // Will replace the original 'gotoSlide' function by adding a cross-fade effect // between the previous and the next slide. _fadeGotoSlide: function( index ) { if ( index === this.selectedSlideIndex ) { return; } // If the slides are being swiped/dragged, don't use fade, but call the original method instead. // If not, which means that a new slide was selected through a button, arrows or direct call, then // use fade. if ( this.$slider.hasClass( 'sp-swiping' ) ) { this.fadeGotoSlideReference( index ); } else { var that = this, $nextSlide, $previousSlide, newIndex = index; // Loop through all the slides and overlap the previous and next slide, // and hide the other slides. $.each( this.slides, function( index, element ) { var slideIndex = element.getIndex(), $slide = element.$slide; if ( slideIndex === newIndex ) { $slide.css({ 'opacity': 0, 'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'z-index': 20, visibility: 'visible' }); $nextSlide = $slide; } else if ( slideIndex === that.selectedSlideIndex ) { $slide.css({ 'opacity': 1, 'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'z-index': 10, visibility: 'visible' }); $previousSlide = $slide; } else { $slide.css({ 'opacity': 1, visibility: 'hidden', 'z-index': '' }); } }); // Set the new indexes for the previous and selected slides this.previousSlideIndex = this.selectedSlideIndex; this.selectedSlideIndex = index; // Re-assign the 'sp-selected' class to the currently selected slide this.$slides.find( '.sp-selected' ).removeClass( 'sp-selected' ); this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).addClass( 'sp-selected' ); // Rearrange the slides if the slider is loop-able if ( that.settings.loop === true ) { that._updateSlidesOrder(); } // Move the slides container so that the cross-fading slides (which now have the top and left // position set to 0) become visible. this._moveTo( 0, true ); // Fade in the selected slide this._fadeSlideTo( $nextSlide, 1, function() { // This flag will indicate if all the fade transitions are complete, // in case there are multiple running at the same time, which happens // when the slides are navigated very quickly var allTransitionsComplete = true; // Go through all the slides and check if there is at least one slide // that is still transitioning. $.each( that.slides, function( index, element ) { if ( typeof element.$slide.attr( 'data-transitioning' ) !== 'undefined' ) { allTransitionsComplete = false; } }); if ( allTransitionsComplete === true ) { // After all the transitions are complete, make all the slides visible again $.each( that.slides, function( index, element ) { var $slide = element.$slide; $slide.css({ 'visibility': '', 'opacity': '', 'z-index': '' }); }); // Reset the position of the slides and slides container that._resetSlidesPosition(); } // Fire the 'gotoSlideComplete' event that.trigger({ type: 'gotoSlideComplete', index: index, previousIndex: that.previousSlideIndex }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.gotoSlideComplete ) ) { that.settings.gotoSlideComplete.call( that, { type: 'gotoSlideComplete', index: index, previousIndex: that.previousSlideIndex } ); } }); // Fade out the previous slide, if indicated, in addition to fading in the next slide if ( this.settings.fadeOutPreviousSlide === true ) { this._fadeSlideTo( $previousSlide, 0 ); } if ( this.settings.autoHeight === true ) { this._resizeHeight(); } // Fire the 'gotoSlide' event this.trigger({ type: 'gotoSlide', index: index, previousIndex: this.previousSlideIndex }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.gotoSlide ) ) { this.settings.gotoSlide.call( this, { type: 'gotoSlide', index: index, previousIndex: this.previousSlideIndex }); } } }, // Fade the target slide to the specified opacity (0 or 1) _fadeSlideTo: function( target, opacity, callback ) { var that = this; // apply the attribute only to slides that fade in if ( opacity === 1 ) { target.attr( 'data-transitioning', true ); } // Use CSS transitions if they are supported. If not, use JavaScript animation. if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d' ) { // There needs to be a delay between the moment the opacity is set // and the moment the transitions starts. setTimeout(function(){ var css = { 'opacity': opacity }; css[ that.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = 'opacity ' + that.settings.fadeDuration / 1000 + 's'; target.css( css ); }, 100 ); target.on( this.transitionEvent, function( event ) { if ( event.target !== event.currentTarget ) { return; } target.off( that.transitionEvent ); target.css( that.vendorPrefix + 'transition', '' ); target.removeAttr( 'data-transitioning'); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }); } else { target.stop().animate({ 'opacity': opacity }, this.settings.fadeDuration, function() { target.removeAttr( 'data-transitioning' ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }); } }, // Destroy the module destroyFade: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); if ( this.fadeGotoSlideReference !== null ) { this.gotoSlide = this.fadeGotoSlideReference; } }, fadeDefaults: { // Indicates if fade will be used fade: false, // Indicates if the previous slide will be faded out (in addition to the next slide being faded in) fadeOutPreviousSlide: true, // Sets the duration of the fade effect fadeDuration: 500 } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Fade', Fade ); })( window, jQuery ); // Touch Swipe module for Slider Pro. // // Adds touch-swipe functionality for slides. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'TouchSwipe.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var TouchSwipe = { // The x and y coordinates of the pointer/finger's starting position touchStartPoint: {x: 0, y: 0}, // The x and y coordinates of the pointer/finger's end position touchEndPoint: {x: 0, y: 0}, // The distance from the starting to the end position on the x and y axis touchDistance: {x: 0, y: 0}, // The position of the slides when the touch swipe starts touchStartPosition: 0, // Indicates if the slides are being swiped isTouchMoving: false, // Stores the names of the events touchSwipeEvents: { startEvent: '', moveEvent: '', endEvent: '' }, // Indicates if scrolling (the page) in the opposite direction of the // slides' layout is allowed. This is used to block vertical (or horizontal) // scrolling when the user is scrolling through the slides. allowOppositeScrolling: true, // Indicates whether the previous 'start' event was a 'touchstart' or 'mousedown' previousStartEvent: '', initTouchSwipe: function() { var that = this; // check if touch swipe is enabled if ( this.settings.touchSwipe === false ) { return; } this.touchSwipeEvents.startEvent = 'touchstart' + '.' + NS + ' mousedown' + '.' + NS; this.touchSwipeEvents.moveEvent = 'touchmove' + '.' + NS + ' mousemove' + '.' + NS; this.touchSwipeEvents.endEvent = 'touchend' + '.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS + ' mouseup' + '.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS; // Listen for touch swipe/mouse move events this.$slidesMask.on( this.touchSwipeEvents.startEvent, $.proxy( this._onTouchStart, this ) ); this.$slidesMask.on( 'dragstart.' + NS, function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }); // Prevent 'click' events unless there is intention for a 'click' this.$slidesMask.find( 'a' ).on( 'click.' + NS, function( event ) { if ( that.$slider.hasClass( 'sp-swiping' ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } }); // Add the grabbing icon this.$slidesMask.addClass( 'sp-grab' ); }, // Called when the slides starts being dragged _onTouchStart: function( event ) { // Return if a 'mousedown' event follows a 'touchstart' event if ( event.type === 'mousedown' && this.previousStartEvent === 'touchstart' ) { this.previousStartEvent = event.type; return; } // Assign the new 'start' event this.previousStartEvent = event.type; // Disable dragging if the element is set to allow selections if ( $( event.target ).closest( '.sp-selectable' ).length >= 1 ) { return; } var that = this, eventObject = typeof event.originalEvent.touches !== 'undefined' ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event.originalEvent; // Get the initial position of the mouse pointer and the initial position // of the slides' container this.touchStartPoint.x = eventObject.pageX || eventObject.clientX; this.touchStartPoint.y = eventObject.pageY || eventObject.clientY; this.touchStartPosition = this.slidesPosition; // Clear the previous distance values this.touchDistance.x = this.touchDistance.y = 0; // If the slides are being grabbed while they're still animating, stop the // current movement if ( this.$slides.hasClass( 'sp-animated' ) ) { this.isTouchMoving = true; this._stopMovement(); this.touchStartPosition = this.slidesPosition; } // Listen for move and end events this.$slidesMask.on( this.touchSwipeEvents.moveEvent, $.proxy( this._onTouchMove, this ) ); $( document ).on( this.touchSwipeEvents.endEvent, $.proxy( this._onTouchEnd, this ) ); // Swap grabbing icons this.$slidesMask.removeClass( 'sp-grab' ).addClass( 'sp-grabbing' ); }, // Called during the slides' dragging _onTouchMove: function( event ) { var eventObject = typeof event.originalEvent.touches !== 'undefined' ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event.originalEvent; // Indicate that the move event is being fired this.isTouchMoving = true; // Add 'sp-swiping' class to indicate that the slides are being swiped if ( this.$slider.hasClass( 'sp-swiping' ) === false ) { this.$slider.addClass( 'sp-swiping' ); } // Get the current position of the mouse pointer this.touchEndPoint.x = eventObject.pageX || eventObject.clientX; this.touchEndPoint.y = eventObject.pageY || eventObject.clientY; // Calculate the distance of the movement on both axis this.touchDistance.x = this.touchEndPoint.x - this.touchStartPoint.x; this.touchDistance.y = this.touchEndPoint.y - this.touchStartPoint.y; // Calculate the distance of the swipe that takes place in the same direction as the orientation of the slides // and calculate the distance from the opposite direction. // // For a swipe to be valid there should more distance in the same direction as the orientation of the slides. var distance = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? this.touchDistance.x : this.touchDistance.y, oppositeDistance = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? this.touchDistance.y : this.touchDistance.x; // If the movement is in the same direction as the orientation of the slides, the swipe is valid // and opposite scrolling will not be allowed. if ( Math.abs( distance ) > Math.abs( oppositeDistance ) ) { this.allowOppositeScrolling = false; } // If opposite scrolling is still allowed, the swipe wasn't valid, so return. if ( this.allowOppositeScrolling === true ) { return; } // Don't allow opposite scrolling event.preventDefault(); if ( this.settings.loop === false ) { // Make the slides move slower if they're dragged outside its bounds if ( ( this.slidesPosition > this.touchStartPosition && this.selectedSlideIndex === 0 ) || ( this.slidesPosition < this.touchStartPosition && this.selectedSlideIndex === this.getTotalSlides() - 1 ) ) { distance = distance * 0.2; } } this._moveTo( this.touchStartPosition + distance, true ); }, // Called when the slides are released _onTouchEnd: function( event ) { var that = this, touchDistance = this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? this.touchDistance.x : this.touchDistance.y; // Remove the 'move' and 'end' listeners this.$slidesMask.off( this.touchSwipeEvents.moveEvent ); $( document ).off( this.touchSwipeEvents.endEvent ); this.allowOppositeScrolling = true; // Swap grabbing icons this.$slidesMask.removeClass( 'sp-grabbing' ).addClass( 'sp-grab' ); // Remove the 'sp-swiping' class with a delay, to allow // other event listeners (i.e. click) to check the existance // of the swipe event. if ( this.$slider.hasClass( 'sp-swiping' ) ) { setTimeout(function() { that.$slider.removeClass( 'sp-swiping' ); }, 100 ); } // Return if the slides didn't move if ( this.isTouchMoving === false ) { return; } this.isTouchMoving = false; // Calculate the old position of the slides in order to return to it if the swipe // is below the threshold var selectedSlideOffset = this.settings.centerSelectedSlide === true && this.settings.visibleSize !== 'auto' ? Math.round( ( parseInt( this.$slidesMask.css( this.sizeProperty ), 10 ) - this.getSlideAt( this.selectedSlideIndex ).getSize()[ this.sizeProperty ] ) / 2 ) : 0, oldSlidesPosition = - parseInt( this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).css( this.positionProperty ), 10 ) + selectedSlideOffset; if ( Math.abs( touchDistance ) < this.settings.touchSwipeThreshold ) { this._moveTo( oldSlidesPosition ); } else { // Calculate by how many slides the slides container has moved var slideArrayDistance = ( this.settings.rightToLeft === true && this.settings.orientation === 'horizontal' ? -1 : 1 ) * touchDistance / ( this.averageSlideSize + this.settings.slideDistance ); // Floor the obtained value and add or subtract 1, depending on the direction of the swipe slideArrayDistance = parseInt( slideArrayDistance, 10 ) + ( slideArrayDistance > 0 ? 1 : - 1 ); // Get the index of the currently selected slide and subtract the position index in order to obtain // the new index of the selected slide. var nextSlideIndex = this.slidesOrder[ $.inArray( this.selectedSlideIndex, this.slidesOrder ) - slideArrayDistance ]; if ( this.settings.loop === true ) { this.gotoSlide( nextSlideIndex ); } else { if ( typeof nextSlideIndex !== 'undefined' ) { this.gotoSlide( nextSlideIndex ); } else { this._moveTo( oldSlidesPosition ); } } } }, // Destroy the module destroyTouchSwipe: function() { this.$slidesMask.off( 'dragstart.' + NS ); this.$slidesMask.find( 'a' ).off( 'click.' + NS ); this.$slidesMask.off( this.touchSwipeEvents.startEvent ); this.$slidesMask.off( this.touchSwipeEvents.moveEvent ); $( document ).off( this.touchSwipeEvents.endEvent ); this.$slidesMask.removeClass( 'sp-grab' ); }, touchSwipeDefaults: { // Indicates whether the touch swipe will be enabled touchSwipe: true, // Sets the minimum amount that the slides should move touchSwipeThreshold: 50 } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'TouchSwipe', TouchSwipe ); })( window, jQuery ); // Caption module for Slider Pro. // // Adds a corresponding caption for each slide. The caption // will appear and disappear with the slide. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Caption.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Caption = { // Reference to the container element that will hold the caption $captionContainer: null, // The caption content/text captionContent: '', initCaption: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._captionOnUpdate, this ) ); this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, $.proxy( this._updateCaptionContent, this ) ); }, // Create the caption container and hide the captions inside the slides _captionOnUpdate: function() { this.$captionContainer = this.$slider.find( '.sp-caption-container' ); if ( this.$slider.find( '.sp-caption' ).length && this.$captionContainer.length === 0 ) { this.$captionContainer = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$slider ); // Show the caption for the selected slide this._updateCaptionContent(); } // Hide the captions inside the slides this.$slides.find( '.sp-caption' ).each(function() { $( this ).css( 'display', 'none' ); }); }, // Show the caption content for the selected slide _updateCaptionContent: function() { var that = this, newCaptionField = this.$slider.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).find( '.sp-caption' ), newCaptionContent = newCaptionField.length !== 0 ? newCaptionField.html() : ''; // Either use a fade effect for swapping the captions or use an instant change if ( this.settings.fadeCaption === true ) { // If the previous slide had a caption, fade out that caption first and when the animation is over // fade in the current caption. // If the previous slide didn't have a caption, fade in the current caption directly. if ( this.captionContent !== '' ) { // If the caption container has 0 opacity when the fade out transition starts, set it // to 1 because the transition wouldn't work if the initial and final values are the same, // and the callback functions wouldn't fire in this case. if ( parseFloat( this.$captionContainer.css( 'opacity' ), 10 ) === 0 ) { this.$captionContainer.css( this.vendorPrefix + 'transition', '' ); this.$captionContainer.css( 'opacity', 1 ); } this._fadeCaptionTo( 0, function() { that.captionContent = newCaptionContent; if ( newCaptionContent !== '' ) { that.$captionContainer.html( that.captionContent ); that._fadeCaptionTo( 1 ); } else { that.$captionContainer.empty(); } }); } else { this.captionContent = newCaptionContent; this.$captionContainer.html( this.captionContent ); this.$captionContainer.css( 'opacity', 0 ); this._fadeCaptionTo( 1 ); } } else { this.captionContent = newCaptionContent; this.$captionContainer.html( this.captionContent ); } }, // Fade the caption container to the specified opacity _fadeCaptionTo: function( opacity, callback ) { var that = this; // Use CSS transitions if they are supported. If not, use JavaScript animation. if ( this.supportedAnimation === 'css-3d' || this.supportedAnimation === 'css-2d' ) { // There needs to be a delay between the moment the opacity is set // and the moment the transitions starts. setTimeout(function(){ var css = { 'opacity': opacity }; css[ that.vendorPrefix + 'transition' ] = 'opacity ' + that.settings.captionFadeDuration / 1000 + 's'; that.$captionContainer.css( css ); }, 1 ); this.$captionContainer.on( this.transitionEvent, function( event ) { if ( event.target !== event.currentTarget ) { return; } that.$captionContainer.off( that.transitionEvent ); that.$captionContainer.css( that.vendorPrefix + 'transition', '' ); if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }); } else { this.$captionContainer.stop().animate({ 'opacity': opacity }, this.settings.captionFadeDuration, function() { if ( typeof callback === 'function' ) { callback(); } }); } }, // Destroy the module destroyCaption: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); this.$captionContainer.remove(); this.$slider.find( '.sp-caption' ).each(function() { $( this ).css( 'display', '' ); }); }, captionDefaults: { // Indicates whether or not the captions will be faded fadeCaption: true, // Sets the duration of the fade animation captionFadeDuration: 500 } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Caption', Caption ); })( window, jQuery ); // Deep Linking module for Slider Pro. // // Updates the hash of the URL as the user navigates through the slides. // Also, allows navigating to a specific slide by indicating it in the hash. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'DeepLinking.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var DeepLinking = { initDeepLinking: function() { var that = this; // Parse the initial hash this.on( 'init.' + NS, function() { that._gotoHash( window.location.hash ); }); // Update the hash when a new slide is selected this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, function( event ) { if ( that.settings.updateHash === true ) { // get the 'id' attribute of the slide var slideId = that.$slider.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( event.index ).attr( 'id' ); // if the slide doesn't have an 'id' attribute, use the slide index if ( typeof slideId === 'undefined' ) { slideId = event.index; } window.location.hash = that.$slider.attr( 'id' ) + '/' + slideId; } }); // Check when the hash changes and navigate to the indicated slide $( window ).on( 'hashchange.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS, function() { that._gotoHash( window.location.hash ); }); }, // Parse the hash and return the slider id and the slide id _parseHash: function( hash ) { if ( hash !== '' ) { // Eliminate the # symbol hash = hash.substring(1); // Get the specified slider id and slide id var values = hash.split( '/' ), slideId = values.pop(), sliderId = hash.slice( 0, - slideId.toString().length - 1 ); if ( this.$slider.attr( 'id' ) === sliderId ) { return { 'sliderID': sliderId, 'slideId': slideId }; } } return false; }, // Navigate to the appropriate slide, based on the specified hash _gotoHash: function( hash ) { var result = this._parseHash( hash ); if ( result === false ) { return; } var slideId = result.slideId, slideIdNumber = parseInt( slideId, 10 ); // check if the specified slide id is a number or string if ( isNaN( slideIdNumber ) ) { // get the index of the slide based on the specified id var slideIndex = this.$slider.find( '.sp-slide#' + slideId ).index(); if ( slideIndex !== -1 && slideIndex !== this.selectedSlideIndex ) { this.gotoSlide( slideIndex ); } } else if ( slideIdNumber !== this.selectedSlideIndex ) { this.gotoSlide( slideIdNumber ); } }, // Destroy the module destroyDeepLinking: function() { this.off( 'init.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); $( window ).off( 'hashchange.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS ); }, deepLinkingDefaults: { // Indicates whether the hash will be updated when a new slide is selected updateHash: false } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'DeepLinking', DeepLinking ); })( window, jQuery ); // Autoplay module for Slider Pro. // // Adds automatic navigation through the slides by calling the // 'nextSlide' or 'previousSlide' methods at certain time intervals. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Autoplay.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Autoplay = { autoplayTimer: null, isTimerRunning: false, isTimerPaused: false, initAutoplay: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._autoplayOnUpdate, this ) ); }, // Start the autoplay if it's enabled, or stop it if it's disabled but running _autoplayOnUpdate: function( event ) { if ( this.settings.autoplay === true ) { this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, $.proxy( this._autoplayOnGotoSlide, this ) ); this.on( 'mouseenter.' + NS, $.proxy( this._autoplayOnMouseEnter, this ) ); this.on( 'mouseleave.' + NS, $.proxy( this._autoplayOnMouseLeave, this ) ); this.startAutoplay(); } else { this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); this.off( 'mouseenter.' + NS ); this.off( 'mouseleave.' + NS ); this.stopAutoplay(); } }, // Restart the autoplay timer when a new slide is selected _autoplayOnGotoSlide: function( event ) { // stop previous timers before starting a new one if ( this.isTimerRunning === true ) { this.stopAutoplay(); } if ( this.isTimerPaused === false ) { this.startAutoplay(); } }, // Pause the autoplay when the slider is hovered _autoplayOnMouseEnter: function( event ) { if ( this.isTimerRunning && ( this.settings.autoplayOnHover === 'pause' || this.settings.autoplayOnHover === 'stop' ) ) { this.stopAutoplay(); this.isTimerPaused = true; } }, // Start the autoplay when the mouse moves away from the slider _autoplayOnMouseLeave: function( event ) { if ( this.settings.autoplay === true && this.isTimerRunning === false && this.settings.autoplayOnHover !== 'stop' ) { this.startAutoplay(); this.isTimerPaused = false; } }, // Starts the autoplay startAutoplay: function() { var that = this; this.isTimerRunning = true; this.autoplayTimer = setTimeout(function() { if ( that.settings.autoplayDirection === 'normal' ) { that.nextSlide(); } else if ( that.settings.autoplayDirection === 'backwards' ) { that.previousSlide(); } }, this.settings.autoplayDelay ); }, // Stops the autoplay stopAutoplay: function() { this.isTimerRunning = false; this.isTimerPaused = false; clearTimeout( this.autoplayTimer ); }, // Destroy the module destroyAutoplay: function() { clearTimeout( this.autoplayTimer ); this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); this.off( 'mouseenter.' + NS ); this.off( 'mouseleave.' + NS ); }, autoplayDefaults: { // Indicates whether or not autoplay will be enabled autoplay: true, // Sets the delay/interval at which the autoplay will run autoplayDelay: 5000, // Indicates whether autoplay will navigate to the next slide or previous slide autoplayDirection: 'normal', // Indicates if the autoplay will be paused or stopped when the slider is hovered. // Possible values are 'pause', 'stop' or 'none'. autoplayOnHover: 'pause' } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Autoplay', Autoplay ); })(window, jQuery); // Keyboard module for Slider Pro. // // Adds the possibility to navigate through slides using the keyboard arrow keys, or // open the link attached to the main slide image by using the Enter key. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Keyboard.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Keyboard = { initKeyboard: function() { var that = this, hasFocus = false; if ( this.settings.keyboard === false ) { return; } // Detect when the slide is in focus and when it's not, and, optionally, make it // responsive to keyboard input only when it's in focus this.$slider.on( 'focus.' + NS, function() { hasFocus = true; }); this.$slider.on( 'blur.' + NS, function() { hasFocus = false; }); $( document ).on( 'keydown.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS, function( event ) { if ( that.settings.keyboardOnlyOnFocus === true && hasFocus === false ) { return; } // If the left arrow key is pressed, go to the previous slide. // If the right arrow key is pressed, go to the next slide. // If the Enter key is pressed, open the link attached to the main slide image. if ( event.which === 37 ) { that.previousSlide(); } else if ( event.which === 39 ) { that.nextSlide(); } else if ( event.which === 13 ) { var link = that.$slider.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( that.selectedSlideIndex ).find( '.sp-image-container a' ); if ( link.length !== 0 ) { link[0].click(); } } }); }, // Destroy the module destroyKeyboard: function() { this.$slider.off( 'focus.' + NS ); this.$slider.off( 'blur.' + NS ); $( document ).off( 'keydown.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS ); }, keyboardDefaults: { // Indicates whether keyboard navigation will be enabled keyboard: true, // Indicates whether the slider will respond to keyboard input only when // the slider is in focus. keyboardOnlyOnFocus: false } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Keyboard', Keyboard ); })( window, jQuery ); // Full Screen module for Slider Pro. // // Adds the possibility to open the slider full-screen, using the HTML5 FullScreen API. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'FullScreen.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var FullScreen = { // Indicates whether the slider is currently in full-screen mode isFullScreen: false, // Reference to the full-screen button $fullScreenButton: null, // Reference to a set of settings that influence the slider's size // before it goes full-screen sizeBeforeFullScreen: {}, initFullScreen: function() { if ( ! ( document.fullscreenEnabled || document.webkitFullscreenEnabled || document.mozFullScreenEnabled || document.msFullscreenEnabled ) ) { return; } this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._fullScreenOnUpdate, this ) ); }, // Create or remove the full-screen button depending on the value of the 'fullScreen' option _fullScreenOnUpdate: function() { if ( this.settings.fullScreen === true && this.$fullScreenButton === null ) { this._addFullScreen(); } else if ( this.settings.fullScreen === false && this.$fullScreenButton !== null ) { this._removeFullScreen(); } if ( this.settings.fullScreen === true ) { if ( this.settings.fadeFullScreen === true ) { this.$fullScreenButton.addClass( 'sp-fade-full-screen' ); } else if ( this.settings.fadeFullScreen === false ) { this.$fullScreenButton.removeClass( 'sp-fade-full-screen' ); } } }, // Create the full-screen button _addFullScreen: function() { this.$fullScreenButton = $('
').appendTo( this.$slider ); this.$fullScreenButton.on( 'click.' + NS, $.proxy( this._onFullScreenButtonClick, this ) ); document.addEventListener( 'fullscreenchange', $.proxy( this._onFullScreenChange, this ) ); document.addEventListener( 'mozfullscreenchange', $.proxy( this._onFullScreenChange, this ) ); document.addEventListener( 'webkitfullscreenchange', $.proxy( this._onFullScreenChange, this ) ); document.addEventListener( 'MSFullscreenChange', $.proxy( this._onFullScreenChange, this ) ); }, // Remove the full-screen button _removeFullScreen: function() { if ( this.$fullScreenButton !== null ) { this.$fullScreenButton.off( 'click.' + NS ); this.$fullScreenButton.remove(); this.$fullScreenButton = null; document.removeEventListener( 'fullscreenchange', this._onFullScreenChange ); document.removeEventListener( 'mozfullscreenchange', this._onFullScreenChange ); document.removeEventListener( 'webkitfullscreenchange', this._onFullScreenChange ); document.removeEventListener( 'MSFullscreenChange', this._onFullScreenChange ); } }, // When the full-screen button is clicked, put the slider into full-screen mode, and // take it out of the full-screen mode when it's clicked again. _onFullScreenButtonClick: function() { if ( this.isFullScreen === false ) { if ( this.instance.requestFullScreen ) { this.instance.requestFullScreen(); } else if ( this.instance.mozRequestFullScreen ) { this.instance.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if ( this.instance.webkitRequestFullScreen ) { this.instance.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } else if ( this.instance.msRequestFullscreen ) { this.instance.msRequestFullscreen(); } } else { if ( document.exitFullScreen ) { document.exitFullScreen(); } else if ( document.mozCancelFullScreen ) { document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if ( document.webkitCancelFullScreen ) { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } else if ( document.msExitFullscreen ) { document.msExitFullscreen(); } } }, // This will be called whenever the full-screen mode changes. // If the slider is in full-screen mode, set it to 'full window', and if it's // not in full-screen mode anymore, set it back to the original size. _onFullScreenChange: function() { this.isFullScreen = document.fullscreenElement || document.webkitFullscreenElement || document.mozFullScreenElement || document.msFullscreenElement ? true : false; if ( this.isFullScreen === true ) { this.sizeBeforeFullScreen = { forceSize: this.settings.forceSize, autoHeight: this.settings.autoHeight }; this.$slider.addClass( 'sp-full-screen' ); this.settings.forceSize = 'fullWindow'; this.settings.autoHeight = false; } else { this.$slider.css( 'margin', '' ); this.$slider.removeClass( 'sp-full-screen' ); this.settings.forceSize = this.sizeBeforeFullScreen.forceSize; this.settings.autoHeight = this.sizeBeforeFullScreen.autoHeight; } this.resize(); }, // Destroy the module destroyFullScreen: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this._removeFullScreen(); }, fullScreenDefaults: { // Indicates whether the full-screen button is enabled fullScreen: false, // Indicates whether the button will fade in only on hover fadeFullScreen: true } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'FullScreen', FullScreen ); })( window, jQuery ); // Buttons module for Slider Pro. // // Adds navigation buttons at the bottom of the slider. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Buttons.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Buttons = { // Reference to the buttons container $buttons: null, initButtons: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._buttonsOnUpdate, this ) ); }, _buttonsOnUpdate: function() { this.$buttons = this.$slider.find('.sp-buttons'); // If there is more that one slide but the buttons weren't created yet, create the buttons. // If the buttons were created but their number differs from the total number of slides, re-create the buttons. // If the buttons were created but there are less than one slide, remove the buttons.s if ( this.settings.buttons === true && this.getTotalSlides() > 1 && this.$buttons.length === 0 ) { this._createButtons(); } else if ( this.settings.buttons === true && this.getTotalSlides() !== this.$buttons.find( '.sp-button' ).length && this.$buttons.length !== 0 ) { this._adjustButtons(); } else if ( this.settings.buttons === false || ( this.getTotalSlides() <= 1 && this.$buttons.length !== 0 ) ) { this._removeButtons(); } }, // Create the buttons _createButtons: function() { var that = this; // Create the buttons' container this.$buttons = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$slider ); // Create the buttons for ( var i = 0; i < this.getTotalSlides(); i++ ) { $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$buttons ); } // Listen for button clicks this.$buttons.on( 'click.' + NS, '.sp-button', function() { that.gotoSlide( $( this ).index() ); }); // Set the initially selected button this.$buttons.find( '.sp-button' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).addClass( 'sp-selected-button' ); // Select the corresponding button when the slide changes this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, function( event ) { that.$buttons.find( '.sp-selected-button' ).removeClass( 'sp-selected-button' ); that.$buttons.find( '.sp-button' ).eq( event.index ).addClass( 'sp-selected-button' ); }); // Indicate that the slider has buttons this.$slider.addClass( 'sp-has-buttons' ); }, // Re-create the buttons. This is calles when the number of slides changes. _adjustButtons: function() { this.$buttons.empty(); // Create the buttons for ( var i = 0; i < this.getTotalSlides(); i++ ) { $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$buttons ); } // Change the selected the buttons this.$buttons.find( '.sp-selected-button' ).removeClass( 'sp-selected-button' ); this.$buttons.find( '.sp-button' ).eq( this.selectedSlideIndex ).addClass( 'sp-selected-button' ); }, // Remove the buttons _removeButtons: function() { this.$buttons.off( 'click.' + NS, '.sp-button' ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); this.$buttons.remove(); this.$slider.removeClass( 'sp-has-buttons' ); }, destroyButtons: function() { this._removeButtons(); this.off( 'update.' + NS ); }, buttonsDefaults: { // Indicates whether the buttons will be created buttons: true } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Buttons', Buttons ); })( window, jQuery ); // Arrows module for Slider Pro. // // Adds arrows for navigating to the next or previous slide. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Arrows.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Arrows = { // Reference to the arrows container $arrows: null, // Reference to the previous arrow $previousArrow: null, // Reference to the next arrow $nextArrow: null, initArrows: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._arrowsOnUpdate, this ) ); this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, $.proxy( this._checkArrowsVisibility, this ) ); }, _arrowsOnUpdate: function() { var that = this; // Create the arrows if the 'arrows' option is set to true if ( this.settings.arrows === true && this.$arrows === null ) { this.$arrows = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$slidesContainer ); this.$previousArrow = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$arrows ); this.$nextArrow = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$arrows ); this.$previousArrow.on( 'click.' + NS, function() { that.previousSlide(); }); this.$nextArrow.on( 'click.' + NS, function() { that.nextSlide(); }); this._checkArrowsVisibility(); } else if ( this.settings.arrows === false && this.$arrows !== null ) { this._removeArrows(); } if ( this.settings.arrows === true ) { if ( this.settings.fadeArrows === true ) { this.$arrows.addClass( 'sp-fade-arrows' ); } else if ( this.settings.fadeArrows === false ) { this.$arrows.removeClass( 'sp-fade-arrows' ); } } }, // Show or hide the arrows depending on the position of the selected slide _checkArrowsVisibility: function() { if ( this.settings.arrows === false || this.settings.loop === true ) { return; } if ( this.selectedSlideIndex === 0 ) { this.$previousArrow.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { this.$previousArrow.css( 'display', 'block' ); } if ( this.selectedSlideIndex === this.getTotalSlides() - 1 ) { this.$nextArrow.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { this.$nextArrow.css( 'display', 'block' ); } }, _removeArrows: function() { if ( this.$arrows !== null ) { this.$previousArrow.off( 'click.' + NS ); this.$nextArrow.off( 'click.' + NS ); this.$arrows.remove(); this.$arrows = null; } }, destroyArrows: function() { this._removeArrows(); this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); }, arrowsDefaults: { // Indicates whether the arrow buttons will be created arrows: false, // Indicates whether the arrows will fade in only on hover fadeArrows: true } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Arrows', Arrows ); })( window, jQuery ); // Thumbnail Touch Swipe module for Slider Pro. // // Adds touch-swipe functionality for thumbnails. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'ThumbnailTouchSwipe.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var ThumbnailTouchSwipe = { // The x and y coordinates of the pointer/finger's starting position thumbnailTouchStartPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 }, // The x and y coordinates of the pointer/finger's end position thumbnailTouchEndPoint: { x: 0, y: 0 }, // The distance from the starting to the end position on the x and y axis thumbnailTouchDistance: { x: 0, y: 0 }, // The position of the thumbnail scroller when the touch swipe starts thumbnailTouchStartPosition: 0, // Indicates if the thumbnail scroller is being swiped isThumbnailTouchMoving: false, // Indicates if the touch swipe was initialized isThumbnailTouchSwipe: false, // Stores the names of the events thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents: { startEvent: '', moveEvent: '', endEvent: '' }, // Indicates whether the previous 'start' event was a 'touchstart' or 'mousedown' thumbnailPreviousStartEvent: '', initThumbnailTouchSwipe: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._thumbnailTouchSwipeOnUpdate, this ) ); }, _thumbnailTouchSwipeOnUpdate: function() { // Return if there are no thumbnails if ( this.isThumbnailScroller === false ) { return; } // Initialize the touch swipe functionality if it wasn't initialized yet if ( this.settings.thumbnailTouchSwipe === true && this.isThumbnailTouchSwipe === false ) { this.isThumbnailTouchSwipe = true; this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.startEvent = 'touchstart' + '.' + NS + ' mousedown' + '.' + NS; this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.moveEvent = 'touchmove' + '.' + NS + ' mousemove' + '.' + NS; this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.endEvent = 'touchend' + '.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS + ' mouseup' + '.' + this.uniqueId + '.' + NS; // Listen for touch swipe/mouse move events this.$thumbnails.on( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.startEvent, $.proxy( this._onThumbnailTouchStart, this ) ); this.$thumbnails.on( 'dragstart.' + NS, function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }); // Add the grabbing icon this.$thumbnails.addClass( 'sp-grab' ); } // Remove the default thumbnailClick $.each( this.thumbnails, function( index, thumbnail ) { thumbnail.off( 'thumbnailClick' ); }); }, // Called when the thumbnail scroller starts being dragged _onThumbnailTouchStart: function( event ) { // Return if a 'mousedown' event follows a 'touchstart' event if ( event.type === 'mousedown' && this.thumbnailPreviousStartEvent === 'touchstart' ) { this.thumbnailPreviousStartEvent = event.type; return; } // Assign the new 'start' event this.thumbnailPreviousStartEvent = event.type; // Disable dragging if the element is set to allow selections if ( $( event.target ).closest( '.sp-selectable' ).length >= 1 ) { return; } var that = this, eventObject = typeof event.originalEvent.touches !== 'undefined' ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event.originalEvent; // Prevent default behavior for mouse events if ( typeof event.originalEvent.touches === 'undefined' ) { event.preventDefault(); } // Disable click events on links $( event.target ).parents( '.sp-thumbnail-container' ).find( 'a' ).one( 'click.' + NS, function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }); // Get the initial position of the mouse pointer and the initial position // of the thumbnail scroller this.thumbnailTouchStartPoint.x = eventObject.pageX || eventObject.clientX; this.thumbnailTouchStartPoint.y = eventObject.pageY || eventObject.clientY; this.thumbnailTouchStartPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition; // Clear the previous distance values this.thumbnailTouchDistance.x = this.thumbnailTouchDistance.y = 0; // If the thumbnail scroller is being grabbed while it's still animating, stop the // current movement if ( this.$thumbnails.hasClass( 'sp-animated' ) ) { this.isThumbnailTouchMoving = true; this._stopThumbnailsMovement(); this.thumbnailTouchStartPosition = this.thumbnailsPosition; } // Listen for move and end events this.$thumbnails.on( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.moveEvent, $.proxy( this._onThumbnailTouchMove, this ) ); $( document ).on( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.endEvent, $.proxy( this._onThumbnailTouchEnd, this ) ); // Swap grabbing icons this.$thumbnails.removeClass( 'sp-grab' ).addClass( 'sp-grabbing' ); // Add 'sp-swiping' class to indicate that the thumbnail scroller is being swiped this.$thumbnailsContainer.addClass( 'sp-swiping' ); }, // Called during the thumbnail scroller's dragging _onThumbnailTouchMove: function( event ) { var eventObject = typeof event.originalEvent.touches !== 'undefined' ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event.originalEvent; // Indicate that the move event is being fired this.isThumbnailTouchMoving = true; // Get the current position of the mouse pointer this.thumbnailTouchEndPoint.x = eventObject.pageX || eventObject.clientX; this.thumbnailTouchEndPoint.y = eventObject.pageY || eventObject.clientY; // Calculate the distance of the movement on both axis this.thumbnailTouchDistance.x = this.thumbnailTouchEndPoint.x - this.thumbnailTouchStartPoint.x; this.thumbnailTouchDistance.y = this.thumbnailTouchEndPoint.y - this.thumbnailTouchStartPoint.y; // Calculate the distance of the swipe that takes place in the same direction as the orientation of the thumbnails // and calculate the distance from the opposite direction. // // For a swipe to be valid there should more distance in the same direction as the orientation of the thumbnails. var distance = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? this.thumbnailTouchDistance.x : this.thumbnailTouchDistance.y, oppositeDistance = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? this.thumbnailTouchDistance.y : this.thumbnailTouchDistance.x; // If the movement is in the same direction as the orientation of the thumbnails, the swipe is valid if ( Math.abs( distance ) > Math.abs( oppositeDistance ) ) { event.preventDefault(); } else { return; } // Make the thumbnail scroller move slower if it's dragged outside its bounds if ( this.thumbnailsPosition >= 0 ) { var infOffset = - this.thumbnailTouchStartPosition; distance = infOffset + ( distance - infOffset ) * 0.2; } else if ( this.thumbnailsPosition <= - this.thumbnailsSize + this.thumbnailsContainerSize ) { var supOffset = this.thumbnailsSize - this.thumbnailsContainerSize + this.thumbnailTouchStartPosition; distance = - supOffset + ( distance + supOffset ) * 0.2; } this._moveThumbnailsTo( this.thumbnailTouchStartPosition + distance, true ); }, // Called when the thumbnail scroller is released _onThumbnailTouchEnd: function( event ) { var that = this, thumbnailTouchDistance = this.thumbnailsOrientation === 'horizontal' ? this.thumbnailTouchDistance.x : this.thumbnailTouchDistance.y; // Remove the move and end listeners this.$thumbnails.off( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.moveEvent ); $( document ).off( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.endEvent ); // Swap grabbing icons this.$thumbnails.removeClass( 'sp-grabbing' ).addClass( 'sp-grab' ); // Check if there is intention for a tap/click if ( this.isThumbnailTouchMoving === false || this.isThumbnailTouchMoving === true && Math.abs( this.thumbnailTouchDistance.x ) < 10 && Math.abs( this.thumbnailTouchDistance.y ) < 10 ) { var targetThumbnail = $( event.target ).hasClass( 'sp-thumbnail-container' ) ? $( event.target ) : $( event.target ).parents( '.sp-thumbnail-container' ), index = targetThumbnail.index(); // If a link is cliked, navigate to that link, else navigate to the slide that corresponds to the thumbnail if ( $( event.target ).parents( 'a' ).length !== 0 ) { $( event.target ).parents( 'a' ).off( 'click.' + NS ); this.$thumbnailsContainer.removeClass( 'sp-swiping' ); } else if ( index !== this.selectedThumbnailIndex && index !== -1 ) { this.gotoSlide( index ); } return; } this.isThumbnailTouchMoving = false; $( event.target ).parents( '.sp-thumbnail' ).one( 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); }); // Remove the 'sp-swiping' class but with a delay // because there might be other event listeners that check // the existence of this class, and this class should still be // applied for those listeners, since there was a swipe event setTimeout(function() { that.$thumbnailsContainer.removeClass( 'sp-swiping' ); }, 1 ); // Keep the thumbnail scroller inside the bounds if ( this.thumbnailsPosition > 0 ) { this._moveThumbnailsTo( 0 ); } else if ( this.thumbnailsPosition < this.thumbnailsContainerSize - this.thumbnailsSize ) { this._moveThumbnailsTo( this.thumbnailsContainerSize - this.thumbnailsSize ); } // Fire the 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' event this.trigger({ type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); if ( $.isFunction( this.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete ) ) { this.settings.thumbnailsMoveComplete.call( this, { type: 'thumbnailsMoveComplete' }); } }, // Destroy the module destroyThumbnailTouchSwipe: function() { this.off( 'update.' + NS ); if ( this.isThumbnailScroller === false ) { return; } this.$thumbnails.off( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.startEvent ); this.$thumbnails.off( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.moveEvent ); this.$thumbnails.off( 'dragstart.' + NS ); $( document ).off( this.thumbnailTouchSwipeEvents.endEvent ); this.$thumbnails.removeClass( 'sp-grab' ); }, thumbnailTouchSwipeDefaults: { // Indicates whether the touch swipe will be enabled for thumbnails thumbnailTouchSwipe: true } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'ThumbnailTouchSwipe', ThumbnailTouchSwipe ); })( window, jQuery ); // Thumbnail Arrows module for Slider Pro. // // Adds thumbnail arrows for moving the thumbnail scroller. ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'ThumbnailArrows.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var ThumbnailArrows = { // Reference to the arrows container $thumbnailArrows: null, // Reference to the 'previous' thumbnail arrow $previousThumbnailArrow: null, // Reference to the 'next' thumbnail arrow $nextThumbnailArrow: null, initThumbnailArrows: function() { var that = this; this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._thumbnailArrowsOnUpdate, this ) ); // Check if the arrows need to be visible or invisible when the thumbnail scroller // resizes and when the thumbnail scroller moves. this.on( 'sliderResize.' + NS + ' ' + 'thumbnailsMoveComplete.' + NS, function() { if ( that.isThumbnailScroller === true && that.settings.thumbnailArrows === true ) { that._checkThumbnailArrowsVisibility(); } }); }, // Called when the slider is updated _thumbnailArrowsOnUpdate: function() { var that = this; if ( this.isThumbnailScroller === false ) { return; } // Create or remove the thumbnail scroller arrows if ( this.settings.thumbnailArrows === true && this.$thumbnailArrows === null ) { this.$thumbnailArrows = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$thumbnailsContainer ); this.$previousThumbnailArrow = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$thumbnailArrows ); this.$nextThumbnailArrow = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$thumbnailArrows ); this.$previousThumbnailArrow.on( 'click.' + NS, function() { var previousPosition = Math.min( 0, that.thumbnailsPosition + that.thumbnailsContainerSize ); that._moveThumbnailsTo( previousPosition ); }); this.$nextThumbnailArrow.on( 'click.' + NS, function() { var nextPosition = Math.max( that.thumbnailsContainerSize - that.thumbnailsSize, that.thumbnailsPosition - that.thumbnailsContainerSize ); that._moveThumbnailsTo( nextPosition ); }); } else if ( this.settings.thumbnailArrows === false && this.$thumbnailArrows !== null ) { this._removeThumbnailArrows(); } // Add fading functionality and check if the arrows need to be visible or not if ( this.settings.thumbnailArrows === true ) { if ( this.settings.fadeThumbnailArrows === true ) { this.$thumbnailArrows.addClass( 'sp-fade-thumbnail-arrows' ); } else if ( this.settings.fadeThumbnailArrows === false ) { this.$thumbnailArrows.removeClass( 'sp-fade-thumbnail-arrows' ); } this._checkThumbnailArrowsVisibility(); } }, // Checks if the 'next' or 'previous' arrows need to be visible or hidden, // based on the position of the thumbnail scroller _checkThumbnailArrowsVisibility: function() { if ( this.thumbnailsPosition === 0 ) { this.$previousThumbnailArrow.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { this.$previousThumbnailArrow.css( 'display', 'block' ); } if ( this.thumbnailsPosition === this.thumbnailsContainerSize - this.thumbnailsSize ) { this.$nextThumbnailArrow.css( 'display', 'none' ); } else { this.$nextThumbnailArrow.css( 'display', 'block' ); } }, // Remove the thumbnail arrows _removeThumbnailArrows: function() { if ( this.$thumbnailArrows !== null ) { this.$previousThumbnailArrow.off( 'click.' + NS ); this.$nextThumbnailArrow.off( 'click.' + NS ); this.$thumbnailArrows.remove(); this.$thumbnailArrows = null; } }, // Destroy the module destroyThumbnailArrows: function() { this._removeThumbnailArrows(); this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'sliderResize.' + NS ); this.off( 'thumbnailsMoveComplete.' + NS ); }, thumbnailArrowsDefaults: { // Indicates whether the thumbnail arrows will be enabled thumbnailArrows: false, // Indicates whether the thumbnail arrows will be faded fadeThumbnailArrows: true } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'ThumbnailArrows', ThumbnailArrows ); })( window, jQuery ); // Video module for Slider Pro // // Adds automatic control for several video players and providers ;(function( window, $ ) { "use strict"; var NS = 'Video.' + $.SliderPro.namespace; var Video = { firstInit: false, initVideo: function() { this.on( 'update.' + NS, $.proxy( this._videoOnUpdate, this ) ); this.on( 'gotoSlide.' + NS, $.proxy( this._videoOnGotoSlide, this ) ); this.on( 'gotoSlideComplete.' + NS, $.proxy( this._videoOnGotoSlideComplete, this ) ); }, _videoOnUpdate: function() { var that = this; // Find all the inline videos and initialize them this.$slider.find( '.sp-video' ).not( 'a, [data-video-init]' ).each(function() { var video = $( this ); that._initVideo( video ); }); // Find all the lazy-loaded videos and preinitialize them. They will be initialized // only when their play button is clicked. this.$slider.find( 'a.sp-video' ).not( '[data-video-preinit]' ).each(function() { var video = $( this ); that._preinitVideo( video ); }); // call the 'gotoSlideComplete' method in case the first slide contains a video that // needs to play automatically if ( this.firstInit === false ) { this.firstInit = true; this._videoOnGotoSlideComplete({ index: this.selectedSlideIndex, previousIndex: -1 }); } }, // Initialize the target video _initVideo: function( video ) { var that = this; video.attr( 'data-video-init', true ) .videoController(); // When the video starts playing, pause the autoplay if it's running video.on( 'videoPlay.' + NS, function() { if ( that.settings.playVideoAction === 'stopAutoplay' && typeof that.stopAutoplay !== 'undefined' ) { that.stopAutoplay(); that.settings.autoplay = false; } // Fire the 'videoPlay' event var eventObject = { type: 'videoPlay', video: video }; that.trigger( eventObject ); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.videoPlay ) ) { that.settings.videoPlay.call( that, eventObject ); } }); // When the video is paused, restart the autoplay video.on( 'videoPause.' + NS, function() { if ( that.settings.pauseVideoAction === 'startAutoplay' && typeof that.startAutoplay !== 'undefined' ) { that.stopAutoplay(); that.startAutoplay(); that.settings.autoplay = true; } // Fire the 'videoPause' event var eventObject = { type: 'videoPause', video: video }; that.trigger( eventObject ); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings.videoPause ) ) { that.settings.videoPause.call( that, eventObject ); } }); // When the video ends, restart the autoplay (which was paused during the playback), or // go to the next slide, or replay the video video.on( 'videoEnded.' + NS, function() { if ( that.settings.endVideoAction === 'startAutoplay' && typeof that.startAutoplay !== 'undefined' ) { that.stopAutoplay(); that.startAutoplay(); that.settings.autoplay = true; } else if ( that.settings.endVideoAction === 'nextSlide' ) { that.nextSlide(); } else if ( that.settings.endVideoAction === 'replayVideo' ) { video.videoController( 'replay' ); } // Fire the 'videoEnd' event var eventObject = { type: 'videoEnd', video: video }; that.trigger( eventObject ); if ( $.isFunction(that.settings.videoEnd ) ) { that.settings.videoEnd.call( that, eventObject ); } }); }, // Pre-initialize the video. This is for lazy loaded videos. _preinitVideo: function( video ) { var that = this; video.attr( 'data-video-preinit', true ); // When the video poster is clicked, remove the poster and create // the inline video video.on( 'click.' + NS, function( event ) { // If the video is being dragged, don't start the video if ( that.$slider.hasClass( 'sp-swiping' ) ) { return; } event.preventDefault(); var href = video.attr( 'href' ), iframe, provider, regExp, match, id, src, videoAttributes, videoWidth = video.children( 'img' ).attr( 'width' ) || video.children( 'img' ).width(), videoHeight = video.children( 'img' ).attr( 'height') || video.children( 'img' ).height(); // Check if it's a youtube or vimeo video if ( href.indexOf( 'youtube' ) !== -1 || href.indexOf( 'youtu.be' ) !== -1 ) { provider = 'youtube'; } else if ( href.indexOf( 'vimeo' ) !== -1 ) { provider = 'vimeo'; } // Get the id of the video regExp = provider === 'youtube' ? /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/ : /http:\/\/(www\.)?vimeo.com\/(\d+)/; match = href.match( regExp ); id = match[2]; // Get the source of the iframe that will be created src = provider === 'youtube' ? '//www.youtube.com/embed/' + id + '?enablejsapi=1&wmode=opaque' : '//player.vimeo.com/video/'+ id; // Get the attributes passed to the video link and then pass them to the iframe's src videoAttributes = href.split( '?' )[ 1 ]; if ( typeof videoAttributes !== 'undefined' ) { videoAttributes = videoAttributes.split( '&' ); $.each( videoAttributes, function( index, value ) { if ( value.indexOf( id ) === -1 ) { src += '&' + value; } }); } // Create the iframe iframe = $( '' ) .attr({ 'src': src, 'width': videoWidth, 'height': videoHeight, 'class': video.attr( 'class' ), 'frameborder': 0, 'allowfullscreen': 'allowfullscreen' }).insertBefore( video ); // Initialize the video and play it that._initVideo( iframe ); iframe.videoController( 'play' ); // Hide the video poster video.css( 'display', 'none' ); }); }, // Called when a new slide is selected _videoOnGotoSlide: function( event ) { // Get the video from the previous slide var previousVideo = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( event.previousIndex ).find( '.sp-video[data-video-init]' ); // Handle the video from the previous slide by stopping it, or pausing it, // or remove it, depending on the value of the 'leaveVideoAction' option. if ( event.previousIndex !== -1 && previousVideo.length !== 0 ) { if ( this.settings.leaveVideoAction === 'stopVideo' ) { previousVideo.videoController( 'stop' ); } else if ( this.settings.leaveVideoAction === 'pauseVideo' ) { previousVideo.videoController( 'pause' ); } else if ( this.settings.leaveVideoAction === 'removeVideo' ) { // If the video was lazy-loaded, remove it and show the poster again. If the video // was not lazy-loaded, but inline, stop the video. if ( previousVideo.siblings( 'a.sp-video' ).length !== 0 ) { previousVideo.siblings( 'a.sp-video' ).css( 'display', '' ); previousVideo.videoController( 'destroy' ); previousVideo.remove(); } else { previousVideo.videoController( 'stop' ); } } } }, // Called when a new slide is selected, // after the transition animation is complete. _videoOnGotoSlideComplete: function( event ) { // Handle the video from the selected slide if ( this.settings.reachVideoAction === 'playVideo' && event.index === this.selectedSlideIndex ) { var loadedVideo = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( event.index ).find( '.sp-video[data-video-init]' ), unloadedVideo = this.$slides.find( '.sp-slide' ).eq( event.index ).find( '.sp-video[data-video-preinit]' ); // If the video was already initialized, play it. If it's not initialized (because // it's lazy loaded) initialize it and play it. if ( loadedVideo.length !== 0 ) { loadedVideo.videoController( 'play' ); } else if ( unloadedVideo.length !== 0 ) { unloadedVideo.trigger( 'click.' + NS ); } // Autoplay is stopped when the video starts playing // and the video's 'play' event is fired, but on slower connections, // the video's playing will be delayed and the 'play' event // will not fire in time to stop the autoplay, so we'll // stop it here as well. if ( ( loadedVideo.length !== 0 || unloadedVideo.length !== 0 ) && this.settings.playVideoAction === 'stopAutoplay' && typeof this.stopAutoplay !== 'undefined' ) { this.stopAutoplay(); this.settings.autoplay = false; } } }, // Destroy the module destroyVideo: function() { this.$slider.find( '.sp-video[ data-video-preinit ]' ).each(function() { var video = $( this ); video.removeAttr( 'data-video-preinit' ); video.off( 'click.' + NS ); }); // Loop through the all the videos and destroy them this.$slider.find( '.sp-video[ data-video-init ]' ).each(function() { var video = $( this ); video.removeAttr( 'data-video-init' ); video.off( 'Video' ); video.videoController( 'destroy' ); }); this.off( 'update.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlide.' + NS ); this.off( 'gotoSlideComplete.' + NS ); }, videoDefaults: { // Sets the action that the video will perform when its slide container is selected // ( 'playVideo' and 'none' ) reachVideoAction: 'none', // Sets the action that the video will perform when another slide is selected // ( 'stopVideo', 'pauseVideo', 'removeVideo' and 'none' ) leaveVideoAction: 'pauseVideo', // Sets the action that the slider will perform when the video starts playing // ( 'stopAutoplay' and 'none' ) playVideoAction: 'stopAutoplay', // Sets the action that the slider will perform when the video is paused // ( 'startAutoplay' and 'none' ) pauseVideoAction: 'none', // Sets the action that the slider will perform when the video ends // ( 'startAutoplay', 'nextSlide', 'replayVideo' and 'none' ) endVideoAction: 'none', // Called when the video starts playing videoPlay: function() {}, // Called when the video is paused videoPause: function() {}, // Called when the video ends videoEnd: function() {} } }; $.SliderPro.addModule( 'Video', Video ); })( window, jQuery ); // Video Controller jQuery plugin // Creates a universal controller for multiple video types and providers ;(function( $ ) { "use strict"; // Check if an iOS device is used. // This information is important because a video can not be // controlled programmatically unless the user has started the video manually. var isIOS = window.navigator.userAgent.match( /(iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g ) ? true : false; var VideoController = function( instance, options ) { this.$video = $( instance ); this.options = options; this.settings = {}; this.player = null; this._init(); }; VideoController.prototype = { _init: function() { this.settings = $.extend( {}, this.defaults, this.options ); var that = this, players = $.VideoController.players, videoID = this.$video.attr( 'id' ); // Loop through the available video players // and check if the targeted video element is supported by one of the players. // If a compatible type is found, store the video type. for ( var name in players ) { if ( typeof players[ name ] !== 'undefined' && players[ name ].isType( this.$video ) ) { this.player = new players[ name ]( this.$video ); break; } } // Return if the player could not be instantiated if ( this.player === null ) { return; } // Add event listeners var events = [ 'ready', 'start', 'play', 'pause', 'ended' ]; $.each( events, function( index, element ) { var event = 'video' + element.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + element.slice( 1 ); that.player.on( element, function() { that.trigger({ type: event, video: videoID }); if ( $.isFunction( that.settings[ event ] ) ) { that.settings[ event ].call( that, { type: event, video: videoID } ); } }); }); }, play: function() { if ( isIOS === true && this.player.isStarted() === false || this.player.getState() === 'playing' ) { return; } this.player.play(); }, stop: function() { if ( isIOS === true && this.player.isStarted() === false || this.player.getState() === 'stopped' ) { return; } this.player.stop(); }, pause: function() { if ( isIOS === true && this.player.isStarted() === false || this.player.getState() === 'paused' ) { return; } this.player.pause(); }, replay: function() { if ( isIOS === true && this.player.isStarted() === false ) { return; } this.player.replay(); }, on: function( type, callback ) { return this.$video.on( type, callback ); }, off: function( type ) { return this.$video.off( type ); }, trigger: function( data ) { return this.$video.triggerHandler( data ); }, destroy: function() { if ( this.player.isStarted() === true ) { this.stop(); } this.player.off( 'ready' ); this.player.off( 'start' ); this.player.off( 'play' ); this.player.off( 'pause' ); this.player.off( 'ended' ); this.$video.removeData( 'videoController' ); }, defaults: { videoReady: function() {}, videoStart: function() {}, videoPlay: function() {}, videoPause: function() {}, videoEnded: function() {} } }; $.VideoController = { players: {}, addPlayer: function( name, player ) { this.players[ name ] = player; } }; $.fn.videoController = function( options ) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); return this.each(function() { // Instantiate the video controller or call a function on the current instance if ( typeof $( this ).data( 'videoController' ) === 'undefined' ) { var newInstance = new VideoController( this, options ); // Store a reference to the instance created $( this ).data( 'videoController', newInstance ); } else if ( typeof options !== 'undefined' ) { var currentInstance = $( this ).data( 'videoController' ); // Check the type of argument passed if ( typeof currentInstance[ options ] === 'function' ) { currentInstance[ options ].apply( currentInstance, args ); } else { $.error( options + ' does not exist in videoController.' ); } } }); }; // Base object for the video players var Video = function( video ) { this.$video = video; this.player = null; this.ready = false; this.started = false; this.state = ''; this.events = $({}); this._init(); }; Video.prototype = { _init: function() {}, play: function() {}, pause: function() {}, stop: function() {}, replay: function() {}, isType: function() {}, isReady: function() { return this.ready; }, isStarted: function() { return this.started; }, getState: function() { return this.state; }, on: function( type, callback ) { return this.events.on( type, callback ); }, off: function( type ) { return this.events.off( type ); }, trigger: function( data ) { return this.events.triggerHandler( data ); } }; // YouTube video var YoutubeVideoHelper = { youtubeAPIAdded: false, youtubeVideos: [] }; var YoutubeVideo = function( video ) { this.init = false; var youtubeAPILoaded = window.YT && window.YT.Player; if ( typeof youtubeAPILoaded !== 'undefined' ) { Video.call( this, video ); } else { YoutubeVideoHelper.youtubeVideos.push({ 'video': video, 'scope': this }); if ( YoutubeVideoHelper.youtubeAPIAdded === false ) { YoutubeVideoHelper.youtubeAPIAdded = true; var tag = document.createElement( 'script' ); tag.src = "//www.youtube.com/player_api"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore( tag, firstScriptTag ); window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = function() { $.each( YoutubeVideoHelper.youtubeVideos, function( index, element ) { Video.call( element.scope, element.video ); }); }; } } }; YoutubeVideo.prototype = new Video(); YoutubeVideo.prototype.constructor = YoutubeVideo; $.VideoController.addPlayer( 'YoutubeVideo', YoutubeVideo ); YoutubeVideo.isType = function( video ) { if ( video.is( 'iframe' ) ) { var src = video.attr( 'src' ); if ( src.indexOf( 'youtube.com' ) !== -1 || src.indexOf( 'youtu.be' ) !== -1 ) { return true; } } return false; }; YoutubeVideo.prototype._init = function() { this.init = true; this._setup(); }; YoutubeVideo.prototype._setup = function() { var that = this; // Get a reference to the player this.player = new YT.Player( this.$video[0], { events: { 'onReady': function() { that.trigger({ type: 'ready' }); that.ready = true; }, 'onStateChange': function( event ) { switch ( event.data ) { case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING: if (that.started === false) { that.started = true; that.trigger({ type: 'start' }); } that.state = 'playing'; that.trigger({ type: 'play' }); break; case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED: that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }); break; case YT.PlayerState.ENDED: that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }); break; } } } }); }; YoutubeVideo.prototype.play = function() { var that = this; if ( this.ready === true ) { this.player.playVideo(); } else { var timer = setInterval(function() { if ( that.ready === true ) { clearInterval( timer ); that.player.playVideo(); } }, 100 ); } }; YoutubeVideo.prototype.pause = function() { // On iOS, simply pausing the video can make other videos unresponsive // so we stop the video instead. if ( isIOS === true ) { this.stop(); } else { this.player.pauseVideo(); } }; YoutubeVideo.prototype.stop = function() { this.player.seekTo( 1 ); this.player.stopVideo(); this.state = 'stopped'; }; YoutubeVideo.prototype.replay = function() { this.player.seekTo( 1 ); this.player.playVideo(); }; YoutubeVideo.prototype.on = function( type, callback ) { var that = this; if ( this.init === true ) { Video.prototype.on.call( this, type, callback ); } else { var timer = setInterval(function() { if ( that.init === true ) { clearInterval( timer ); Video.prototype.on.call( that, type, callback ); } }, 100 ); } }; // Vimeo video var VimeoVideoHelper = { vimeoAPIAdded: false, vimeoVideos: [] }; var VimeoVideo = function( video ) { this.init = false; if ( typeof window.Vimeo !== 'undefined' ) { Video.call( this, video ); } else { VimeoVideoHelper.vimeoVideos.push({ 'video': video, 'scope': this }); if ( VimeoVideoHelper.vimeoAPIAdded === false ) { VimeoVideoHelper.vimeoAPIAdded = true; var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = "//player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore( tag, firstScriptTag ); var checkVimeoAPITimer = setInterval(function() { if ( typeof window.Vimeo !== 'undefined' ) { clearInterval( checkVimeoAPITimer ); $.each( VimeoVideoHelper.vimeoVideos, function( index, element ) { Video.call( element.scope, element.video ); }); } }, 100 ); } } }; VimeoVideo.prototype = new Video(); VimeoVideo.prototype.constructor = VimeoVideo; $.VideoController.addPlayer( 'VimeoVideo', VimeoVideo ); VimeoVideo.isType = function( video ) { if ( video.is( 'iframe' ) ) { var src = video.attr('src'); if ( src.indexOf( 'vimeo.com' ) !== -1 ) { return true; } } return false; }; VimeoVideo.prototype._init = function() { this.init = true; this._setup(); }; VimeoVideo.prototype._setup = function() { var that = this; // Get a reference to the player this.player = new Vimeo.Player( this.$video[0] ); that.ready = true; that.trigger({ type: 'ready' }); that.player.on( 'play', function() { if ( that.started === false ) { that.started = true; that.trigger({ type: 'start' }); } that.state = 'playing'; that.trigger({ type: 'play' }); }); that.player.on( 'pause', function() { that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }); }); that.player.on( 'ended', function() { that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }); }); }; VimeoVideo.prototype.play = function() { var that = this; if ( this.ready === true ) { this.player.play(); } else { var timer = setInterval(function() { if ( that.ready === true ) { clearInterval( timer ); that.player.play(); } }, 100 ); } }; VimeoVideo.prototype.pause = function() { this.player.pause(); }; VimeoVideo.prototype.stop = function() { var that = this; this.player.setCurrentTime( 0 ).then( function() { that.player.pause(); that.state = 'stopped'; } ); }; VimeoVideo.prototype.replay = function() { var that = this; this.player.setCurrentTime( 0 ).then( function() { that.player.play(); } ); }; VimeoVideo.prototype.on = function( type, callback ) { var that = this; if ( this.init === true ) { Video.prototype.on.call( this, type, callback ); } else { var timer = setInterval(function() { if ( that.init === true ) { clearInterval( timer ); Video.prototype.on.call( that, type, callback ); } }, 100 ); } }; // HTML5 video var HTML5Video = function( video ) { Video.call( this, video ); }; HTML5Video.prototype = new Video(); HTML5Video.prototype.constructor = HTML5Video; $.VideoController.addPlayer( 'HTML5Video', HTML5Video ); HTML5Video.isType = function( video ) { if ( video.is( 'video' ) && video.hasClass( 'video-js' ) === false && video.hasClass( 'sublime' ) === false ) { return true; } return false; }; HTML5Video.prototype._init = function() { var that = this; // Get a reference to the player this.player = this.$video[0]; var checkVideoReady = setInterval(function() { if ( that.player.readyState === 4 ) { clearInterval( checkVideoReady ); that.ready = true; that.trigger({ type: 'ready' }); that.player.addEventListener( 'play', function() { if ( that.started === false ) { that.started = true; that.trigger({ type: 'start' }); } that.state = 'playing'; that.trigger({ type: 'play' }); }); that.player.addEventListener( 'pause', function() { that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }); }); that.player.addEventListener( 'ended', function() { that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }); }); } }, 100 ); }; HTML5Video.prototype.play = function() { var that = this; if ( this.ready === true ) { this.player.play(); } else { var timer = setInterval(function() { if ( that.ready === true ) { clearInterval( timer ); that.player.play(); } }, 100 ); } }; HTML5Video.prototype.pause = function() { this.player.pause(); }; HTML5Video.prototype.stop = function() { this.player.currentTime = 0; this.player.pause(); this.state = 'stopped'; }; HTML5Video.prototype.replay = function() { this.player.currentTime = 0; this.player.play(); }; // VideoJS video var VideoJSVideo = function( video ) { Video.call( this, video ); }; VideoJSVideo.prototype = new Video(); VideoJSVideo.prototype.constructor = VideoJSVideo; $.VideoController.addPlayer( 'VideoJSVideo', VideoJSVideo ); VideoJSVideo.isType = function( video ) { if ( ( typeof video.attr( 'data-videojs-id' ) !== 'undefined' || video.hasClass( 'video-js' ) ) && typeof videojs !== 'undefined' ) { return true; } return false; }; VideoJSVideo.prototype._init = function() { var that = this, videoID = this.$video.hasClass( 'video-js' ) ? this.$video.attr( 'id' ) : this.$video.attr( 'data-videojs-id' ); this.player = videojs( videoID ); this.player.ready(function() { that.ready = true; that.trigger({ type: 'ready' }); that.player.on( 'play', function() { if ( that.started === false ) { that.started = true; that.trigger({ type: 'start' }); } that.state = 'playing'; that.trigger({ type: 'play' }); }); that.player.on( 'pause', function() { that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }); }); that.player.on( 'ended', function() { that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }); }); }); }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.play = function() { this.player.play(); }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.pause = function() { this.player.pause(); }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.stop = function() { this.player.currentTime( 0 ); this.player.pause(); this.state = 'stopped'; }; VideoJSVideo.prototype.replay = function() { this.player.currentTime( 0 ); this.player.play(); }; // Sublime video var SublimeVideo = function( video ) { Video.call( this, video ); }; SublimeVideo.prototype = new Video(); SublimeVideo.prototype.constructor = SublimeVideo; $.VideoController.addPlayer( 'SublimeVideo', SublimeVideo ); SublimeVideo.isType = function( video ) { if ( video.hasClass( 'sublime' ) && typeof sublime !== 'undefined' ) { return true; } return false; }; SublimeVideo.prototype._init = function() { var that = this; sublime.ready(function() { // Get a reference to the player that.player = sublime.player( that.$video.attr( 'id' ) ); that.ready = true; that.trigger({ type: 'ready' }); that.player.on( 'play', function() { if ( that.started === false ) { that.started = true; that.trigger({ type: 'start' }); } that.state = 'playing'; that.trigger({ type: 'play' }); }); that.player.on( 'pause', function() { that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }); }); that.player.on( 'stop', function() { that.state = 'stopped'; that.trigger({ type: 'stop' }); }); that.player.on( 'end', function() { that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }); }); }); }; SublimeVideo.prototype.play = function() { this.player.play(); }; SublimeVideo.prototype.pause = function() { this.player.pause(); }; SublimeVideo.prototype.stop = function() { this.player.stop(); }; SublimeVideo.prototype.replay = function() { this.player.stop(); this.player.play(); }; // JWPlayer video var JWPlayerVideo = function( video ) { Video.call( this, video ); }; JWPlayerVideo.prototype = new Video(); JWPlayerVideo.prototype.constructor = JWPlayerVideo; $.VideoController.addPlayer( 'JWPlayerVideo', JWPlayerVideo ); JWPlayerVideo.isType = function( video ) { if ( ( typeof video.attr( 'data-jwplayer-id' ) !== 'undefined' || video.hasClass( 'jwplayer' ) || video.find( "object[data*='jwplayer']" ).length !== 0 ) && typeof jwplayer !== 'undefined') { return true; } return false; }; JWPlayerVideo.prototype._init = function() { var that = this, videoID; if ( this.$video.hasClass( 'jwplayer' ) ) { videoID = this.$video.attr( 'id' ); } else if ( typeof this.$video.attr( 'data-jwplayer-id' ) !== 'undefined' ) { videoID = this.$video.attr( 'data-jwplayer-id'); } else if ( this.$video.find( "object[data*='jwplayer']" ).length !== 0 ) { videoID = this.$video.find( 'object' ).attr( 'id' ); } // Get a reference to the player this.player = jwplayer( videoID ); this.player.onReady(function() { that.ready = true; that.trigger({ type: 'ready' }); that.player.onPlay(function() { if ( that.started === false ) { that.started = true; that.trigger({ type: 'start' }); } that.state = 'playing'; that.trigger({ type: 'play' }); }); that.player.onPause(function() { that.state = 'paused'; that.trigger({ type: 'pause' }); }); that.player.onComplete(function() { that.state = 'ended'; that.trigger({ type: 'ended' }); }); }); }; JWPlayerVideo.prototype.play = function() { this.player.play( true ); }; JWPlayerVideo.prototype.pause = function() { this.player.pause( true ); }; JWPlayerVideo.prototype.stop = function() { this.player.stop(); this.state = 'stopped'; }; JWPlayerVideo.prototype.replay = function() { this.player.seek( 0 ); this.player.play( true ); }; })( jQuery ); jQuery(function($) { function w3tc_popup_resize(o) { o.resize(); } $('body') .on('click', '.w3tc_cdn_cloudfront_fsd_authorize', function() { W3tc_Lightbox.open({ id:'w3tc-overlay', close: '', width: 800, height: 300, url: ajaxurl + '?action=w3tc_ajax&_wpnonce=' + w3tc_nonce + '&w3tc_action=cdn_cloudfront_fsd_intro', callback: w3tc_popup_resize }); 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{"code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method.","data":{"status":404}}